Al Shabaab demands 150 million shillings ransom for kidnapped Cuban doctors – Nairobi News


Cuban doctors at work

Dr. Landy Rodriguez Hernandez treats a patient in a Mandera hospital while Dr. Assel Herrera Correa (left) looks away. PICTURES | COURTESY

The Al Shabaab militants, who took responsibility for the kidnapping of two Cuban doctors in Mandera a month ago, are now demanding a ransom of 150 million shillings.

This is what community elders who traveled to a remote location between the cities of Buale and El Ade in the Jubaland region of Somalia say, where Dr. Herera Corea (general practitioner) is being held Dr. Landy Rodriguez.

The elders of Mandera and Bulahawo (Somalia) were immediately sent. The doctors were kidnapped in Kenya to negotiate their release.


The elders confirmed that the two nurses are alive and provide care to the community in a small area of ​​the isolated city.

The captives, Dr. Correa and Dr. Rodriguez, are medical expatriates working in Kenya under a special agreement between Cuba and Kenya.

After being abducted on April 12, 2019, Cuban doctors stationed in Wajir, Lamu, Garissa and Tana River were recalled for security reasons.


The doctors have since been rebadigned and redeployed to other counties.

On the day of the kidnapping of the doctors, armed militants first blocked the vehicle carrying the nurses before landing and opening fire on the police officers who accompanied them.

An officer was shot while the other managed to escape. The activists then bundled the two doctors in their car and took over the leadership of the Somali committee.

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