Argentina welcomes the G20


Argentine authorities say Buenos Aires will be an armored city when world leaders gather for this week's G-20 summit. But the security problems that have stained a football championship and the deeper unrest linked to an economic austerity program are now raising concerns about the country's ability to provide security.

Approximately 22,000 police and security agents will guard US President Donald Trump and other leaders of the group of 20 industrialized and emerging nations during the two-day meeting that begins Friday. At least eight other US aircraft and up to 400 US military and civilians are expected to provide security.

"We are working on all the details," Argentina's Security Minister Patricia Bullrich said at a press conference on the G-20's concerns. "We have no disagreements, let alone in operations of this type where we work as a team."

Even with increased security, the Argentine government will inevitably face events likely to attract thousands of activists, some of whom may come from other parts of the world.

Anarchist and anti-capitalist groups have announced that they will hold protests under the slogan "Get out of the G-20, get out of the IMF," while social media posts call for the ousting of Trump and 39, other leaders, such as the Brazilian far-right. President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who will take office on 1 January.

The summit comes just days after an untimely football-related incident that also called into question public safety measures.

According to critics, the police did not prevent Saturday 's attack by Boca Juniors football club players when River Plate supporters threw stones and other objects at the club. bus their team while they were heading to a championship game.

Several players, including the captain of the team, were injured by the glbad of a bus while others were hit by tear gas and pepper spray used by the police to contain the violence. Fans also vandalized cars and other property near the stadium, which eventually led to the postponement of the Libertadores Cup final.

Argentina is the first country in South America to host the G-20 summit, and officials have the additional challenge of ensuring that chaos is better contained than at last year's meeting in Hamburg , in Germany.

At this summit, a "no-protest zone" of 38 km2 (about 15 km2) including the Hamburg airport was blocked, clashes erupted between the police and protesters.

The authorities reiterated that they would repress any effort to disrupt the rally and tolerate violence.

"Anyone who manifests it does so in the context of peace and freedom of expression and not violence," said Minister Bullrich.

Be that as it may, disturbances are already bubbling beneath the surface.

Earlier in November, two attempted attacks using hand-made devices had been carried out against the home of a judge and the mausoleum of a police chief; False bomb scares on a bank and a train station added to the feeling of unease.

Argentines have also taken to the streets en mbade in recent weeks to demand solutions to the economic crisis in the country and to reject the austerity measures put in place by the government to deal with the problems of exchange and inflation.

The crisis has forced the government of President Mauricio Macri to apply for a $ 56 billion line of credit from the International Monetary Fund this year and has provoked dissatisfaction among those who have bad memories of the 2001 crisis when the banks froze their deposits and prevented citizens from withdrawing their funds. savings.

Macri, a pro-business conservative who took office in 2015, pledged to reduce Argentina's budget deficit, reduce poverty and reduce inflation.

On Monday, he said he regretted the violence perpetrated before the football game and tried to calm fears about the summit.

"I can not accept the fact that to organize a sporting event, you have to practically militarize the entire city – that's crazy," said Macri, adding that the G-20 meeting showed that the world was supporting the Argentina, and that his government would work hard to ensure that everything "goes well".

The Minister of National Security, Bullrich, has herself admitted that ensuring security during the Boca-River match would be a "minor" thing in relation to the enormous challenge of securing global leaders and leaders. other participants during the G-20.

But she also said that Argentina was up to it.

The government said that Buenos Aires' train and metro systems will be closed during the meeting and that the authorities will cordon off a large area near where the summit will take place.

An airport located in the city will be exclusively available to officials arriving for the rally, although the Ezeiza International Airport, located on the outskirts of the city, is operating normally.

The growing challenge of hosting leaders and about 15,000 people has also prompted the Argentine government to stock equipment, including bullet-proof vehicles, motorcycles and motorcycles. high-powered and bomb scans purchased in China.

In addition, the Ministry of Security has put in place means to monitor nuclear and radiological activities, track explosives and strengthen border controls.

The government says it is in close contact with foreign authorities to block troublemakers and avoid riots.

"Anyone who wants to demonstrate must do so within the limits of peace and freedom of expression. No violence, "Bullrich said. Whoever crosses the line will have to face the legal consequences. "

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