Blue economy: Sonko campaigns for Nairobi headquarters


Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko is campaigning for Nairobi to become the headquarters of the blue economy.

He added that Nairobi is a modern city with one of the best infrastructure in East and Central Africa.

"It's an economic and commercial center, as well as a gateway to many parts of the world," Sonko told delegates at the Conference's dinner on the economy. sustainable and sustainable at KICC, Sunday night.

More than 10,000 international delegates attend the conference which began Monday at KICC in Nairobi.

"Due to the presence of many research centers, Nairobi continues to be an innovative regional think tank and will play a catalytic role in creating a partnership role in creating a headquarters for a sustainable blue economy. "said Mr. Sonko.

Kenya is the seat of UNEP and UN Habitat.

"Nairobi occupies a strategic position and has played a key role in maintaining peace in the region.The existing infrastructure allows it to propose a global partnership that transcends geographical and political boundaries," said Sonko.

"I therefore challenge the organizers of the blue sustainable economy to seriously consider making Nairobi its international seat."

Sonko said Nairobi ranked third among the most innovative cities in sub-Saharan Africa in the 2018 Global Innovation Index.

He said the blue economy is an emerging concept that encourages better management of oceans, rivers, lakes and all other water plans, blue resources.

"Kenya has great watersheds such as Mount Kenya, Mount Elgon, the Aberdares and the Mau Complex," said Sonko.

UN Habitat Executive Director, Maimunah Mohammed, United Nations Office at Nairobi Executive Director Hanna Tetteh, CS Monica Juma from Foreign Affairs and Nairobi Representative Esther Pbadaris.

Juma urged investors to put their money in Kenya.

"There are a lot of things going on in our country, let's all – residents and foreigners – invest in our big city of Nairobi," she said.

Pbadaris said she was pleased that Nairobi was chosen to host the Conference on the Blue Economy.

"This is a great achievement for the Nairobians. There is a lot going on in our city. explore the opportunities we have and continue to develop our county. For foreign investors, you have to look around because there are many opportunities in which you can invest, "she said.

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