Britain will head to the unknown if the agreement on Brexit is rejected: May


Prime Minister Theresa May warned Monday that Britain would be plunged into the unknown if Parliament rejected the Brexit agreement that it had negotiated with the European Union, while legislators from all parties aligned to criticize the agreement.

As part of Sunday's deal with European leaders, Britain will leave the bloc in March with close trade relations, but the odds are now better if May gets it approved by a divided British parliament.

While May was trying to win his detractors, the lawmakers of his own Conservatives and the opposition attacked the agreement, warning that Parliament would not support him and urging him to develop a alternative plan.

"There is no better offer available," said May in the House of Commons. "We can support this agreement, organize the referendum vote and move on to building a better future … or this badembly can choose to reject this agreement and return to square one."

"Nobody knows what would happen if this agreement did not pbad. This would open the door to more division and more uncertainty, with all the risks that would entail. "

Parliament will vote on the deal on December 11 after five days of debate, May's office said.

May warned lawmakers that if they rejected it, Britain could leave the EU without agreement – a fact that companies say would hurt the world's fifth largest economy.

The EU has also been clear on the fact that there is very little appetite to reopen the Brexit negotiations if Parliament rejects it.

His plan faces opposition from eurosceptics and europhiles among his party's 314 lawmakers and about 313 lawmakers from opposition parties. The 10 MPs of the Democratic Unionist Party, the North Irish group supporting May's minority government, said this weekend they would vote against the deal.

May have to get a simple majority in parliament – 320 votes if all active lawmakers introduce themselves and vote – but the old bads, who have been studying parliamentary computation for a long time, believe that the prime minister may need only 305 votes if we take into account diseases and abstentions. .

"This will never happen … it's as dead as a dodo," said conservative lawmaker Mark Francis, adding that he was in agreement with the Sun's verdict according to which the agreement was "a capitulation".

"Please, Mr. Prime Minister, the House of Commons never went to anyone and it will not start now."

When asked if May was convinced of reaching an agreement by Parliament, his spokesman told reporters, "Yes."

According to May, his agreement was in the national interest, but Opposition Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said that entering into an agreement without the support of Parliament was "an act of self harm. national".

His de facto spokesman, David Lidington, will meet Labor legislators on Monday to discuss the deal, said his spokesman, in a gesture perceived by many as an attempt to win their support.

May sought to rebadure pro-Brexit lawmakers dissatisfied with remarks made Sunday by French President Emmanuel Macron, asking for access to British fishing waters after Brexit. These comments reinforced fears that Britain would be forced to rely on a so-called "safety net" to avoid a return of controls at the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

"Throughout this process, the EU has maintained its desire to link global access to markets with access to fisheries. They failed in the withdrawal agreement and again in the political statement, "said May.

"It's not surprising that some are already trying to set milestones for their future relationship, but they should already get used to the answer: it will not happen."

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