Buhari calls for the release of looted funds without technicalities


ABUJA – PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari Sunday in Nouakchott, Mauritania, he called for countries where looted badets were hidden to free them without the technical delays usually involved in the rehearsal process.

President Muhammadu Buhari addresses attendees at the opening ceremony of the World Congress of the International Press Institute (IPI) 2018 held at State House Conference Center Abuja

The President Buhari made this appeal during his introductory remarks as a leader of the theme of the African Union. Winning the fight against corruption, a sustainable path to the transformation of Africa, shortly before the start of the debate on the African Year of the Fight Against Corruption

According to him, "we must all work collectively to bring to the forefront the need for open and participatory government, as well as the repatriation of stolen property without procedural formalities and legal obstacles. "[1 9659005] President Buhari in a statement by his special adviser on media and advertising, the Femi Adesina chief last night also raised anti-corruption efforts up here.

He said, "In the last 6 months we have engaged in sectoral dialogue with a wide range of actors, including parliamentarians, national anti-corruption agencies, civil society, the media, youth and women's groups and development partners

"We organized three (3) different regional consultative workshops related to my campaign program to raise awareness of the perverse effects of corruption about our societies. "

" These workshops will be extended to others as we continue the fight against corruption in an attempt to transform our continent. "

The Nigerian President also informed the gathering of his intention to badociate with the President of the AU to push back the frontiers of the anti-corruption struggle: [19659005"IintendtodiscusstheAfricanYouthCongressinAbujainthenearfutureandwewillworkwiththePresidentoftheAfricanUniononhisExcellencyPaulKagameandthePresidentoftheAfricanCommissionAfricanUniontoOrganizeanInteractiveDialogontheThemeattheNextSessionoftheUnitedNationsGeneralAssemblyinNewYorkduringtheHighLevelDebate"

President Buhari took the opportunity offered by the rally for other member states that have not yet ratified the UN Convention. African Union on Preventing and Combating Corruption to take all necessary steps to sign and ratify it with a view to its universal ratification during this calendar year State Party to the Convention

The President thanked African Heads of State and Government "for the continued support that has been provided in the conduct and amplification of the Union's anti-corruption agenda. African. Your unwavering support remains a source of strength and encouragement as we look forward to an even stronger second half this year. "

AU's theme of the year reminded that the meeting of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union under the presidency of Nigeria in April 2018 highlighted the the corrosive effect that corruption may have on societies, the link between corruption and conflict and its implications for peace and security in Africa, and concluded by emphasizing the need to use South-South cooperation mechanisms. exchange of information, mutual legal badistance and sharing of best practices between national anti-corruption agencies, auditing agencies and investigative bodies

President Buhari emphasized that " the scourge of illicit financial flows continues to weigh on the fulfillment of our aspirations under Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda for 2030. "

He reiterated the Permanent commitment of Nigeria in the fight against corruption.


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