China defends policies, says it will further contribute to global growth, East Asia News and Top Stories


While defending Beijing's policy at a forum yesterday, Yang Jiechi, a member of the Politburo, also lambasted countries that resort to trade protectionism and a "simplistic and palliative approach."

"It is peaceful development, not predatory expansion, which has allowed China, once a country mired in poverty and backwardness, to become the second largest economy in the world. world, "he said. We will continue to support peaceful development and cooperation for win-win results. "

Mr. Yang delivered the keynote speech at the opening of the World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University.

Established in 2012 and now in its seventh edition, the high-level forum organized by the University and co-organized by the Chinese Institute of Foreign Affairs provides a platform for politicians, academics and students from around the world to discuss Noting that China is an essential engine of the global economic growth – accounting for 10.2% of global imports and 12.8% of global exports last year – Mr. Yang said that Beijing would work with all parties to defend the development of China "n & 39; would not have been possible without the outside world, so, in exchange, China will contribute more to global growth, "he said, adding that this included opening up his economy more fully, working to ensure s sustained progress in its belt and road initiative to build a new Silk Road infrastructure and trade links, and take active partake in the reform of the global governance system to make it more equitable and fair.

He cited China's first international exhibition to be held in Shanghai in November, and the second Foreign Minister Le Yucheng reiterated Peking's rejection of US claims that it imposes technology transfer and intellectual property and the World Trade Organization (WTO) has not addressed China's unfair trade practices.

Describing China as a laggard in world trade, he said that Beijing had not established the rules and fulfilled all the requirements to become a member of the WTO. China's merchandise trade alone reached $ 4.1 trillion ($ 5.6 trillion). This amount is not reached by coercion, but mutual benefit and win-win, "he said. Business people are not stupid, they do not want to swallow 40 years of unprofitable trading. "

It was impossible to ask two boxers of different weight clbades to compete on the same stage, or two cars of different power to compete on the same track – which will be the most of the others. speakers yesterday welcomed China's approach to globalization compared to the path taken by the United States.

Former European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said that leaders had the obligation not to introduce aliens, the enemy, but as possible partners, and to abandon the mind of zero sum to world problems.

"When there are problems like those we have seen recently, the solution is not to lift new protectionist barriers. to ask others to open more, including China, "he said." I really welcome recent developments in China to open more to foreign investment, (and) it is important that China also maintain its momentum of further opening. "

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