China warns US against opening "Pandora's box" in the Middle East »Capital News

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged Tehran not to abandon the nuclear deal "so easily" © SWIMMING POOL / AFP / FRED DUFOUR

By AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, Beijing, China, June 18 – China warned Tuesday against the opening of a "Pandora's Box" in the Middle East after the United States announced the deployment of 1,000 additional troops in the region in the face of escalating tensions with the United States. 'Iran.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi also urged Tehran not to abandon the nuclear deal "so easily" after Iran would have exceeded its uranium stock limit if world powers did not did not respect the commitments entered into in the agreement in 10 days.

The United States reinforced pressure on Iran on Monday, announcing the deployment of additional troops in the Middle East and producing new photographs showing that Tehran was behind an attack against a tanker in the Gulf of Oman last week.

"We call on all parties to remain rational and moderate, to take no action to provoke escalation of tension in the region, and not to open a Pandora's box," Wang told reporters in Beijing during of a joint press conference with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.

"In particular, the United States should change their practice of extreme pressure," said Wang.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington have increased since the US renounced the nuclear deal and with Washington the blacklist of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.

Wang urged Iran to "take prudent decisions" and not "to give up so easily" the agreement aimed at containing Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani announced on May 8 that Iran would cease to observe restrictions on its enriched uranium and heavy water stocks agreed under the agreement. , a measure which, he said, was in retaliation for the unilateral withdrawal of the United States.

Tehran on Monday launched a 10-day countdown to allow world powers to meet their commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran has threatened to go even further in reducing its nuclear commitments by July 8, unless the remaining partners – Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia – help him bypbad US sanctions and allow him to sell his oil.

The United States has responded to the ultimatum by urging the international community not to yield to Iran's "nuclear extortion", while the UN and the European states have called for a cool head.

"China's resolve to safeguard the global deal has not changed," Wang said.

"We are willing to work with all parties to continue to make efforts for the full and effective implementation of the agreement."

According to Wang, China has also "worked closely with" all parties to rebuild the Arak heavy water reactor of a nuclear power plant located southwest of Tehran.

Regarding Syria, Wang told his visiting counterpart that China "strongly supports the economic reconstruction of Syria" and its efforts to "fight against terrorism".

In the past, Beijing has joined forces with Moscow to veto any UN proposal to punish the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"China has always advocated that the Syrian issue be resolved by political means," Wang said.

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