Clashes, road accidents


French Fans (AP)

Paris – Dozens of young people broke shop windows in a popular Champs Elysees Avenue store on Sunday as hundreds of thousands of fans celebrated the victory of the France . An AFP reporter at the scene.

READ: Twitter reacts to France by winning the World Cup

About 30 people, many of whom wore ski masks, entered the Publicis Pharmacy and went with bottles of wine and champagne. some smile and film themselves with mobile phones.

Some also threw objects, including bottles and chairs, on police forces that responded with tear gas

: "This is not how you celebrate". Partygoers gradually left the famous avenue, police used water cannons to disperse the remaining troublemakers around 23:30.

Elsewhere in France, the authorities said that clashes broke out between the police and a hundred young people. a police vehicle during an outdoor demonstration of the match in the city center.

Police fired tear gas to disperse the young people who responded by throwing things out and setting fire to the garbage cans.

Ten people were arrested in Marseille, where two members of the security forces were injured in clashes, a police spokesman said.

In Frouard, a city outside the city of Nancy, a three-year-old boy and two six-year-old girls were seriously injured after being struck by a motorcycle during the celebrations


In the city of Annecy (southeast), police said that a 50-year-old man died after breaking his neck when he jumped into a shallow channel just as the final whistle announced the end of the match. 19659004] A man of about thirty years dies after crushing his car in a tree celebrating shortly after the match in the small town of Saint-Félix, in the north of France

. Victory in the World Cup, many floating flags and dropping smoke bombs.

Some 4,000 police and security forces were deployed in Paris during the World Cup festivities and a large security perimeter prohibiting access to vehicles was installed on the Champs Elysées. Avenue. [1 9659004] France remains in a state of alert after a series of terrorist attacks since 2015, prompting the government to grant extended powers to the police under the new severe anti-terrorism laws promulgated by the government. ;last year.

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