College student imprisoned for love texts to Ugandan MP


  The Member of Parliament for Kabalore, Sylvia Rwabwogo. PHOTO | COURTESY Kabalore Female Deputy Sylvia Rwabwogo. PHOTO | With the help of ELVIS ONDIEKI and BETTY NDAGIRE

If you thought that only Kenyan lawmakers are troubled by threatening seduction tactics by the public, wait to meet a representative in Uganda who cried in court telling his experience with a

Sylvia Rwabwogo, MP for Kabalore, began receiving calls in November 2017 from a stranger who would have made him love.

Calls and messages were so frequent that she reported him to the police. He would be revealed as a 25-year-old student, Brian Isiko.

On Wednesday, Isiko was sentenced to two years in prison for what a Ugandan magistrate said was harbading the MP.


The details of Isiko's love quest for the MP reflect those revealed to Parliament in March when Kenyan lawmakers complained about turbulent times that they had gone through in the hands of individuals who wanted to "seduce" them "" There is a lady who has the phone numbers of all MPs and who sends us bad photos ", said the leader of the majority, Aden Duale,

"We have been victims of intimidation and political careers." We are also seduced to the left, right and center, "said Kaptuya Cheboiwo, representative of women Baring

.The complaints of deputies led to the arrest of 23- Wazir Benson Masubo, who is old after refusing to accuse him of defrauding deputies by using the l. Identity of Sabina Chege, Representative of Murang Women,

D in the case of the Ugandan student, it began gradually

. perhaps thinking that it was just a simple call from one of my constituents. Later, calls become common with the caller making the stranger love confessions. I felt that it had gone too far, so I reported the incident to the police in Parliament and I blocked the numbers. But the stalker used text messages, "said Mrs. Rwabwogo in court


She added:" One of the texts that provoked my fears said: I love you so much and I want to protect you. My love is for you alone and as nobody takes care of you, I will do it.

Ms. Rwabogo's profile on Parliament's website identifies her as a single, perhaps exciting Isiko, to try her luck.

Ms. Rwabwogo, who told the court that she had received several calls and more than 10 messages, once said her stalker sent a text stating that he had failed to sleep at night and everything in her mind was only thoughts of her.

She said that it worried her, come during the wave of kidnappings across the country. Ms. Rwabwogo said that she set up an appointment to meet the harbader on the police in Parliament badigning him a guard. They set a date at Java House, a meeting place for coffee in Lugogo, Kampala, and the young man in love appeared quickly.

During their meeting, the stalker showed his identity card with the name "Brian Isiko". and her guard promptly seized it


But Ms. Rwabwogo said that she was more perplexed that even when Isiko was in custody, she continued to receive explicit love messages from his phone. She said that it caused her immense psychological torture

However, through the sobs of Ms. Rwabwogo, Isiko, dressed in a dotted black shirt, stood on the bench smiling sheepishly.

This prompted Judge Kamasanyu to ask him why he was tracking a woman almost double her age.

But Isiko replied innocently, "All she said is correct, I wanted her to become a personal friend, I beg your pardon, I also wanted her to give me ideas on how to handle my poultry project.I had no bad intentions.In fact, that's why I agreed to meet her so that we can talk. "

He said that he gleaned the MP's phone contact on the Parliament's website.

In her verdict, Ms. Kamasanyu said that disgust and disrespect for women and that explains why Isiko continued to disturb Ms. Rwabwogo even after trying to block her calls.

"I had the benefit of listening to the complainant and the convict, but he continued to laugh throughout the session." "At times, the complainant broke down, this kind of harbadment can only be done by a selfish person and the intentions are only known to him / her, "she said." Ms. Kamasanyu added.

She said that in considering the fluid security situation in the country, a prison sentence is the best punishment for deterring men who find it normal to harbad women.

Isiko first denied the charges Wednesday's sitting.

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