Congolese and Ugandan forces clash near the maritime border


GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo: The Democratic Republic of Congo and the Ugandan armed forces exchanged fire on a lake straddling their common border, injuring at least two Congolese soldiers, a Congolese official said. relationship, Congolese accusing Ugandan forces of trespbading on their territory and Ugandan authorities saying that Congolese are not doing enough to eradicate the activity of militias near the border.

Clashes took place on Thursday on Lake Edward, which divides the Congolese navy had launched a patrol after several Congolese fishing boats were arrested Wednesday by Ugandan forces, which Kibwana accused of stealing food. entering Congolese waters [lenord-ouestduCongodunord-ouestdel'OugandaDonatKibwanaadministrateurduterritoireBeniauCongo19659002] "This is how the patrol found is ambushed by the Ugandan navy," Kibwana said. "Clashes ensued that left two injured among the Congolese army, and the Ugandan boat was hit by bullets fired by the Congolese army."

He said that he did not have any information yet about Ugandan losses. The spokesman of the Ugandan army could not be contacted immediately

Congo and Uganda were enemies during a 1998-conflict 2003 in eastern Congo that caused millions of deaths. UN investigators also accused Uganda in 2012 of supporting an insurgency in the region, accusations that he denied.

However, the countries also said that they are jointly planning military operations against a Ugandan rebel group accused of hundreds of civilian deaths. Beni since 2014.

(Report by Fiston Mahamba, edited by Aaron Ross, edited by William Maclean)

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