Deputies howl to laugh at village names "Wise Vagina & # 39; and & # 39; The testicles are sad & # 39; – RT World News


Debates in the Ghanaian parliament took on the appearance of a noisy school clbad when politicians burst out laughing about odd place names like the village "Vagina is Wise" ".

Unusual regulations were discussed during a debate on the country's power capabilities. But MPs were distracted when John Frimpong Osei of the New Patriotic Party began to list villages that are not connected to the national grid.

One of the villages, Etwe nim Nyansa – translates from the Ashanti Twi language into English as "Vagina is Wise" – put the fuse for fun and the deputies could not contain themselves when the place names Kote ye Aboa (the penis is a fool) and Shua ye Morbor (the Testicles are sad) were also called.

The incident was published online by a Ghana-based reporter, garnering even more laughter.

It's hilarious ???

– Phila (@ Ashaki247) July 27, 2018

????? ? "And indeed it is so"
The MP did my week

– fineboy? (@ sethappiah70) July 27, 2018

According to BBC journalist Thomas Naadi, who is in the capital Accra, some city names have kept the titles that they were given by their first settlers

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