Enhanced security before hearing on Bobi Wine's bail



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Ugandan police have tightened security in the capital, Kampala, while Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi, aka Bobi Wine, travels to Buganda Road court on Thursday for bail hearings.

Kyagulanyi was arrested Monday two days after being released and placed under house arrest. He faces charges of disobedience to a legal obligation.

However, in the hearing room, screens and videoconferencing equipment were installed, signaling that the MP can follow the procedures from his prison cell. The technology was launched last week to allow the suspects to attend court remotely.

The prosecution claims that the singer-politician has committed the offense, an allegedly illegal protest, in July 2018.

He was arrested on Monday as he was about to respond to badignments to the offices of the Criminal Investigation Branch (CID).

Bobi Wine, his brother, Mr Fred Nyanzi Ssentamu, as well as David Lule and Edward Sebuwufu, among others still on the run, have disobeyed legitimate orders by organizing a demonstration contrary to Article 116 of the Penal Code. .

The popular musician entered parliament in 2017 and became the main critic of President Yoweri Museveni. He struck a chord with young Ugandans with his songs about social justice.

The authorities have repeatedly prevented him from performing in public.

One of Wine's songs contains the lyrics "Freedom Fighters Become Dictators", while others suggest that President Museveni has remained in power too long.

This 74-year-old ruler has headed Uganda since he came to power as head of a rebel army in 1986. He intends to run for a sixth term in 2021.

-Additional reports by AFP.

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