Entering power, Johnson seeks a more diversified firm: The Standard


  • Reuters July 24, 2019 09:34:26 GMT +0300
British Prime Minister Boris Johson. Photo: Courtesy.

Boris Johnson, who will badume the duties of prime minister on Wednesday, is expected to unveil a more diverse senior team within a government that will be charged with implementing Brexit by the end of October. , with or without agreement.

The former mayor of London won the contest to succeed Theresa May on Tuesday in securing the leadership of the Conservative Party in a campaign putting the United Kingdom on the right track for a confrontation with the European Union.
Johnson's choices will help clarify how he intends to manage the world's fifth largest economy and its divorce from the European Union at one of the most tragic moments in its modern history.
"Boris will build a cabinet with all the party talents that truly reflect modern Britain," said a source close to Johnson.

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May will leave Downing Street on Wednesday to hand in her resignation to the Queen, who will formally appoint Johnson.
With the pound close to its two-year low against the US dollar due to growing concerns over a "no-transaction" Brexit, investors are prepared to see who will be given the lead roles. such as the Chancellor, the Foreign Secretary and the Minister of Brexit.
A record number of politicians belonging to ethnic minorities are expected to serve as ministers, including Priti Patel, the former aid minister who resigned in 2017 after undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials, and the minister. of Employment, Alok Sharma.
More women should also be in the Cabinet.
Oliver Dowden, former chief of staff of David Cameron's government, former Sports Minister Tracey Crouch, young Finance Minister Robert Jenrick and Brexit legislator Rishi Sunak are also in the running for a promotion .

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Interior Minister Sajid Javid has been approached for a top-level position. He was noticed by the British media alongside Johnson as he arrived in front of the legislator after his victory.
Two junior ministers have already dropped Johnson's plans, and Chancellor Philip Hammond and Justice Minister David Gauke have announced plans to resign before being sacked.
During one of his first missions before settling down Downing Street, Johnson entrusted Andrew Griffith, Sky's senior manager, with his role as business advisor, charged with restoring relations with the industry. companies before Brexit.
The Daily Telegraph announced that Johnson would appoint career diplomat David Frost as Sherpa of the European Union and adviser for Europe.

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Great Britain will now be led by a flamboyant character known for his ambition, his disordered blond hair, his flowery oratory and his fragile mastery of political details.
The 2016 referendum showed that the United Kingdom was much more divided than the EU and had fueled introspection, ranging from regional secession to immigration via capitalism, the United States, and the United States. legacy of the empire and what Britain means in the modern world.
Johnson is committed to negotiating a new divorce agreement with the EU to ensure a smooth transition. But if the bloc continues to refuse to renegotiate, he promised to leave anyway – "do or die" – on the agreed date of October 31 – Halloween.
A large number of investors and economists believe that such a steep move would shatter world markets and shatter the world's fifth-largest economy into recession or even chaos.

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