Eritrea and Somalia: a decade of animosity


Eritrea, which on Monday signed an agreement with Somalia to establish diplomatic relations, has long been accused of supporting Islamist militants seeking to overthrow the interim government of Mogadishu.

The agreement follows a recent wave of regional diplomacy, between Eritrea and Ethiopia, marking a new era for relations between countries of the Horn of Africa .

Here is some information on more than ten years of tension.

The Islamic Courts in Somalia [19659005] In July-August 2006, the Somali transitional government accuses Eritrea of ​​sending troops and weapons to militias of Islamic courts that have taken control of Mogadishu and much of southern and central Somalia. 19659002] Eritrea rejects accusations that it supports Islamists in Somalia to wage an indirect struggle against its Ethiopian rival.

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Ethiopia supports the Somali Transitional Government. His relations with Eritrea are very tense since a bloody war between the two countries from 1998 to 2000.

A UN report in November 2006 states that Eritrea has sent 2,000 fighters in Somalia to join the Islamic courts. [19659002] In December, the Ethiopian army invades Somalia and expels Islamic courts in a few days. The leaders and supporters of the courts take refuge in several countries of the region.

The Ethiopian invasion crushes the Islamist administration but sparks a bloody uprising and incites the emergence of even more radical Al Shabaab militants

In January 2009, the Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed becomes president of a transitional administration in Somalia, turning against the regime in Eritrea who had been an ally.

In May of the same year, he accuses Eritrea of ​​arming and financing Islamists who launched a major offensive to overthrow him.

UN sanctions

The UN Security Council imposes in 2009 an arms embargo and targeted sanctions on the Eritrea for its alleged support to Shabaab militants.

Assists the Shabaab. Asmara denies supporting rebels

In 2016, the UN Security Council renews sanctions against Eritrea, but five 15-member council members abstain.

China, Russia, Angola, Egypt and Venezuela sanctions observers who say there is no evidence Eritrea supports Shabaab militants in Somalia.

Ethiopia calls on the UN to lift sanctions against Eritrea.

& # 39; New chapter & # 39;

On July 28, 2018, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed arrives in Asmara for a three-day official visit

"Somalia is ready to write a new chapter in its relations with the United States. Eritrea, "said a spokesman for the Somali president. on Twitter.

Two days later, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Mohamed sign an agreement in Asmara to establish diplomatic relations after more than a decade of tension.

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