Explain Donald Trump's Scan to Theresa May's Brexit Case


What has happened this week:

After European leaders blessed the deal proposed by British Prime Minister Theresa May over the weekend, US President Donald Trump hinted to reporters that the May deal on the Brexit "seemed to be a very good deal for the EU". , with whom Trump has a complicated relationship.

Why it's important:

It is easy to dismiss Donald Trump's view of the May Brexit Agreement as a casual, casual comment by the US President, without thinking too much about it. But the reality is that Trump's badessment of May's Brexit deal, no matter how he did it, echoes the feelings of most Britons – it's a poor deal for the United Kingdom, which, by extension, means that it is a good agreement for Brussels.

This reality makes it all the more likely that May will not succeed in securing his agreement on Brexit in the UK Parliament on December 11, which could lead to yet another referendum on Brexit – a congress that would maintain the United Kingdom. United in the United Kingdom. at the end of the day. So maybe the American president who used to call Mr Brexit should pay attention to what he criticizes.

What happens next?

The agreement will probably not be pbaded by the British Parliament, no matter how strong May, but remains the only possible alternative to a "Brexit without agreement" (an agreement that, according to the Bank of England, could lose 8% of the UK economy). Too many people oppose the principled May compromise (Eurosceptics, Remains, Labor Party, Scottish, Northern Irish coalition partners with May) and there is still plenty of time to renegotiate a new agreement before May. March 29th. Brexit 2019 deadline. It is therefore not yet urgent to compel Members of Parliament to take into account the future interests of Great Britain instead of their own.

The brief bulletin

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The key figure that explains it:

37 – it is the part of the British public that supports the May's Brexit agreement. While 35% oppose it, 26% say they do not oppose it and do not support it. Similarly, 41% of Britons want Parliament to vote in favor of the May agreement and 38% want Parliament to vote against it.

In summary, after 18 months of fierce Brexit negotiations, the British company is still divided on Brexit. Difficult for any politician, whatever his talent, to fill a gap as large and authentic.

The only major misconception about this:

That people abroad do not take Trump's improvised comments seriously. First, foreign leaders have the chance to see how quickly May's administration moved to repel against Trump's badessment of the May Brexit agreement.

Secondly, even foreigners who disagree with Trump on almost everything are not above to grab a comment from the latter for their own interests. Tulip Siddiq, a Labor Party MP and Labor Party opponent who is not a fan of Trump, said, "Even Donald Trump, who is not the most powerful tool on the market, knows this deal is bad. "At the present time, no one so visible as the American president escapes reappropriation.

The only thing to say about it:

Well channeled, Donald Trump could be the most effective political weapon in Brussels. Which tells you just about everything you need to know about Brussels today.

The only thing to avoid:

If Donald Trump's comments eventually lead to a regression of Brexit, he will ironically deny the British their own declaration of independence. US = 2, UK = 0.

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