Florida newspaper endorses anyone but Trump in 2020 hours before president’s campaign launch rally


As Donald Trump heads to Florida to officially kick off his 2020 re-election campaign, a prominent local newspaper has announced its endorsement for the presidency — sort of. 

Just before the president was expected to land in the Sunshine State, the Orlando Sentinel editorial board published a piece titled: “Our Orlando Sentinel endorsement for president in 2020: Not Donald Trump”. 

“Some readers will wonder how we could possibly eliminate a candidate so far before an election, and before knowing the identity of his opponent,” the paper wrote. “After 2½ years we’ve seen enough.”

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The editorial board endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, but has supported both Republicans and Democrats for the White House in past elections. However, the paper wrote on Tuesday morning: “There’s no point pretending we would ever recommend that readers vote for Trump.

“Enough of the chaos, the division, the schoolyard insults, the self-aggrandizement, the corruption, and especially the lies,” the paper continues, going on to mention several examples of the president’s most flagrant falsehoods. 

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1/22 Bernie Sanders

The Vermont senator has announced that he will be running again in 2020 after losing out to Hilary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primaries. He intends to run on a similar platform of democratic socialist reform


2/22 Joe Biden

The former vice president – poised to be a frontrunner – has announced his run. He recently faced scrutiny for inappropriate touching of women, but was thought to deal with the criticism well


3/22 Elizabeth Warren

The Mbadachusetts Senator has formally launched her bid for president in 2020. A progressive Democrat, she is a major supporter of regulating Wall Street.


4/22 Bill De Blasio

The New York mayor announced his bid on 16 May 2019. He emerged in 2013 as a leading voice in the left wing of his party but has struggled to build a national profile and has suffered a number of political setbacks in his time as mayor


5/22 Pete Buttigieg

The Indiana mayor and war veteran will be running for president. If elected, he would be the first openly LGBT+ president in American history


6/22 Beto O’Rourke

The former Texas congressman formally launched his bid for the presidency in March. He intends to run on a progressive platform, stating that the US is driven by “gross differences in opportunity and outcome”


7/22 Steve Bullock

The Montana governor announced his bid on 14 May. He stated “We need to defeat Donald Trump in 2020 and defeat the corrupt system that lets campaign money drown out the people’s voice, so we can finally make good on the promise of a fair shot for everyone.” He also highlighted the fact that he won the governor’s seat in a red [Republican] state


8/22 Cory Booker

The New Jersey Senator has announced that he will be running for the presidency in 2020. If he secures the nomination he said finding a female vice president would be a priority


9/22 Wayne Messam

Mayor of the city of Miramar in the Miami metropolitan area, Wayne Messam has announced his bid. He intends to run on a progressive platform against the “broken” federal government. He favours gun regulations and was a signatory to a letter from some 400 mayors condemning President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

Vice News

10/22 Kirsten Gillibrand

The New York Senator formally announced her presidential bid in January, saying that “healthcare should be a right, not a privilege”


11/22 Kamala Harris

The former California attorney general will be running for president in 2020. Introduced to the national stage during Jeff Sessions’ testimony, she has endorsed Medicare-for-all and proposed a major tax-credit for the middle clbad


12/22 John Delaney

The Maryland congressman was the first to launch his bid for presidency, making the announcement in 2017


13/22 Tulsi Gabbard

The Hawaii congresswoman announced her candidacy in January, but is likely to face tough questions on her past comments on LGBT+ rights and her stance on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad


14/22 Andrew Yang

The entrepreneur has announced his presidential candidacy, and has pledged that he would introduce a universal basic income of $1,000 a month to every American over the age of 18


15/22 Julian Castro

The former San Antonio mayor announced his candidacy in January and said that his running has a “special meaning” for the Latino community in the US


16/22 Marianne Williamson

The author and spiritual adviser has announced her intention to run for president. She had previously run for congress as an independent in 2014 but was unsuccessful


17/22 Eric Swalwell

One of the younger candidates, Swalwell has served on multiple committees in the House of Representatives. He intends to make gun control central to his campaign


18/22 Seth Moulton

A Mbadachusetts congressman, Moulton is a former US soldier who is best known for trying to stop Nancy Pelosi from becoming speaker of the house


19/22 Amy Klobuchar

Klobuchar is a Minnesota senator who earned praise for her contribution to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings


20/22 Jay Inslee

Inslee has been governor of Washington since 2013. His bid centres around climate change


21/22 John Hickenlooper

The former governor of Colorado is running on a sensible ticket. He aims to sell himself as an effective leader who is open to compromise and evidences this with his experience as governor


22/22 Tim Ryan

Ohio representative Tim Ryan will be running a campaign that hinges on his working clbad roots


1/22 Bernie Sanders

The Vermont senator has announced that he will be running again in 2020 after losing out to Hilary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primaries. He intends to run on a similar platform of democratic socialist reform


2/22 Joe Biden

The former vice president – poised to be a frontrunner – has announced his run. He recently faced scrutiny for inappropriate touching of women, but was thought to deal with the criticism well


3/22 Elizabeth Warren

The Mbadachusetts Senator has formally launched her bid for president in 2020. A progressive Democrat, she is a major supporter of regulating Wall Street.


4/22 Bill De Blasio

The New York mayor announced his bid on 16 May 2019. He emerged in 2013 as a leading voice in the left wing of his party but has struggled to build a national profile and has suffered a number of political setbacks in his time as mayor


5/22 Pete Buttigieg

The Indiana mayor and war veteran will be running for president. If elected, he would be the first openly LGBT+ president in American history


6/22 Beto O’Rourke

The former Texas congressman formally launched his bid for the presidency in March. He intends to run on a progressive platform, stating that the US is driven by “gross differences in opportunity and outcome”


7/22 Steve Bullock

The Montana governor announced his bid on 14 May. He stated “We need to defeat Donald Trump in 2020 and defeat the corrupt system that lets campaign money drown out the people’s voice, so we can finally make good on the promise of a fair shot for everyone.” He also highlighted the fact that he won the governor’s seat in a red [Republican] state


8/22 Cory Booker

The New Jersey Senator has announced that he will be running for the presidency in 2020. If he secures the nomination he said finding a female vice president would be a priority


9/22 Wayne Messam

Mayor of the city of Miramar in the Miami metropolitan area, Wayne Messam has announced his bid. He intends to run on a progressive platform against the “broken” federal government. He favours gun regulations and was a signatory to a letter from some 400 mayors condemning President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

Vice News

10/22 Kirsten Gillibrand

The New York Senator formally announced her presidential bid in January, saying that “healthcare should be a right, not a privilege”


11/22 Kamala Harris

The former California attorney general will be running for president in 2020. Introduced to the national stage during Jeff Sessions’ testimony, she has endorsed Medicare-for-all and proposed a major tax-credit for the middle clbad


12/22 John Delaney

The Maryland congressman was the first to launch his bid for presidency, making the announcement in 2017


13/22 Tulsi Gabbard

The Hawaii congresswoman announced her candidacy in January, but is likely to face tough questions on her past comments on LGBT+ rights and her stance on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad


14/22 Andrew Yang

The entrepreneur has announced his presidential candidacy, and has pledged that he would introduce a universal basic income of $1,000 a month to every American over the age of 18


15/22 Julian Castro

The former San Antonio mayor announced his candidacy in January and said that his running has a “special meaning” for the Latino community in the US


16/22 Marianne Williamson

The author and spiritual adviser has announced her intention to run for president. She had previously run for congress as an independent in 2014 but was unsuccessful


17/22 Eric Swalwell

One of the younger candidates, Swalwell has served on multiple committees in the House of Representatives. He intends to make gun control central to his campaign


18/22 Seth Moulton

A Mbadachusetts congressman, Moulton is a former US soldier who is best known for trying to stop Nancy Pelosi from becoming speaker of the house


19/22 Amy Klobuchar

Klobuchar is a Minnesota senator who earned praise for her contribution to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings


20/22 Jay Inslee

Inslee has been governor of Washington since 2013. His bid centres around climate change


21/22 John Hickenlooper

The former governor of Colorado is running on a sensible ticket. He aims to sell himself as an effective leader who is open to compromise and evidences this with his experience as governor


22/22 Tim Ryan

Ohio representative Tim Ryan will be running a campaign that hinges on his working clbad roots


Mr Trump was expected to launch his campaign just hours after the story was published on Tuesday with a major rally in Orlando. 

The state was one of several he narrowly won in 2016 that helped pave a path to victory. A slate of Democrats vying for the White House have since targeted Florida as a battleground to be flipped in 2020.

“The nation must endure another 1½ years of Trump. But it needn’t suffer another four beyond that,” the board concluded. “We can do better. We have to do better.”

While recent polls — and the president’s own internal polling — have all shown him facing an uphill battle against any of the major Democratic candidates, head-to-head polls show former Vice President Joe Biden defeating Mr Trump in many of the key states. 

Mr Trump has claimed those polls “don’t exist”, instead suggesting he can still win states like Florida and Texas. 

The president reportedly views Florida as a crucial state for his re-election, which led to his decision to launch the 2020 campaign in Orlando. 

“The Fake News doesn’t report it, but Republican enthusiasm is at an all time high. Look what is going on in Orlando, Florida, right now!” Mr Trump wrote on Twitter. “People have never seen anything like it (unless you play a guitar). Going to be wild – See you later!”

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