France supports Nigeria, the others with 1 billion euros


Macron to Young People: Joining Politics

The French present, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, revealed that his government, in collaboration with the French Development Agency (AFD) has set aside a common fund for approximately one billion euros for the African private sector via its African Digital Initiative (ADI) to help the continent reorganize its economic development and narrow its gap with the developed economies of the world.

Macron, who told the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurs in Lagos yesterday said that the private sector is holding out to economically change the continent and also to realize the industrialization program of the continent by providing jobs to start-ups.

According to him, the French government has decided to launch the African Digital Initiative with the support fund of one billion euros to guarantee the opening of a more large number of entrepreneurs on the continent to innovations The President of France explained that the response to free trade of the continent relies on private sector players who he believes can revive the continent's economy and bring the desired result. He said French investors and European investors are ready to support the continent's private sector to build the continent for its citizens.

Macron added that Africans should not expect foreigners to build their business and their economy. that "Africans can not build Africa."

"The private sector is part of the response to African innovation because the private sector could provide better access to the population.And when you want to have access to responsibilities and make your family happy, have a life better, you need this access to the private sector to realize this dream.

He continued: "I strongly believe in the African private sector because I think the best way is by African businessmen, for Africans change the continent, change countries and do it for his people and not for foreign affairs, because with foreign affairs, you deprive people, even if the economy of the continent is

Macron said: "I think the only way to succeed is to have a strong private sector on the ground because that's the only way to have inclusive growth, which means that you have a growth for con to build middle clbades in different countries and these middle clbades will buy enough of these products. "

He added," In Africa, new leaders are emerging and committed to changing the continent economically because Africa is young in terms of young population. In the state of Lagos, for example, two-thirds of the population of middle age is just under 25 years old and the state is only the fifth largest economy in the world. ;Africa. And this young generation has a lot of responsibility to make for the continent to grow and what I want to build with you are new directive innovations, such as entrepreneurial skills, the economy, digital, culture, sports. "

Migration on the mainland, said Macron:" Europe is not an island and all these migratory crises, we can stop it if we want it, because we have the same common destiny. And secondly, because we have a lot of Africans in the diaspora in France and in the rest of Europe and that they can not live to develop, it's a pity that the French be in Europe and their country and that they can not succeed. "

Tuesday night, he called on young Nigerians to get involved in politics because it is very important for the development of the country and to change his speeches.

He also said that only Africans can bring about the desired change.

Macron, who said this during his visit to the new Afrika Shrine, Ikeja, Lagos, on Tuesday, said: "Politics is important, to be involved. is a tool for changing society. "

The French President was accompanied by the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, at the event" Celebrating African Culture. "[19659003] presence, other dignitaries including, Wole Soyinka, lawmakers, Nollywood stars, filmmakers, critics, musicians, among others.

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