Full text of the Chinese President's speech at the BRICS Business Forum in South Africa – Xinhua


JOHANNESBURG, July 25 (Xinhua) – Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech on Wednesday titled "Keeping up to date with the trend of the times to achieve common development" at the BRICS Business Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa .

The following is the full text of the speech:

Speech by HE Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the BRICS Business Forum

Johannesburg, July 25, 2018

] Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa,

President Faure Gnbadingbe of Togo

Your Excellency Vice President David Mabuza of South Africa,

Ministers, [19659002] Friends of the business world,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good afternoon! I am delighted to visit again South Africa, the "rainbow nation", and meet you here in the beautiful city of Johannesburg. The first international summit that I attended after taking office as Chinese President five years ago was the fifth BRICS summit in Durban. Three years ago, at this convention center, I attended the FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg with African leaders.

Three years later, as I travel back to Africa, I am struck by its strong growth and vitality.

With strong support from all stakeholders, China successfully hosted the Xiamen BRICS Summit last September. As leaders of the BRICS, we unanimously agreed to strengthen our strategic partnership, to consolidate the architecture of cooperation with its three main drivers, namely economic cooperation, political cooperation and security and interpersonal exchanges. So we presented a vision of BRICS + cooperation and jointly inaugurated the second BRICS Cooperation Golden Decade

I understand that in the Nguni language, Johannesburg means "Gold Square" . We can not find a better place to chart the course of our golden decade than in this city of gold. Here in Johannesburg, I look forward to working with other BRICS leaders to embark on a new BRICS cooperation journey and fulfill our new mission

Ladies and Gentlemen,


The BRICS mechanism owes its birth and growth towards the evolution of the global economy and the international landscape. During its first decade, BRICS cooperation has taken off and has borne fruit. Our five BRICS countries, guided by BRIC's spirit of openness, inclusivity and win-win cooperation, deepened our cooperation, strengthened our solidarity and mutual trust, improved the lives of our peoples and tightened our bonds of friendship and friendship. Indeed, our cooperation has contributed significantly to the global economic recovery and growth.

We are witnessing major changes occurring in our world, something that has not been seen in a century. It's a world of opportunities and challenges for us, emerging markets and developing countries. We should pursue BRICS cooperation in the historical process of global transformation, and we should promote the development of our own countries in the historical course of promoting the common development of the BRICS countries and other countries in the world, making thus further progress in the next Golden Decade.

– The next decade will be crucial in which the new engines of global growth will replace the old ones. A new cycle of revolution and transformation in the fields of science, technology and industry, including artificial intelligence, big data, quantum information and biotechnology, is gaining ground. l & # 39; scale. They give birth to a large number of new industries and new forms and business models and will fundamentally change global development and the work and life of people. We must seize this important opportunity to enable emerging markets and developing countries to make rapid progress.

– The next decade will see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces. Emerging markets and developing countries already contribute to 80% of global economic growth. According to the calculation of the exchange rate, these countries account for nearly 40% of world economic output. Growing at their current pace, these countries will see their economic output approach half of the world total in a decade. The collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries is unstoppable, and will make global development more balanced and world peace more firmly grounded.

– The next decade will see a profound overhaul of the global governance system. The world is moving towards multipolarity and increased economic globalization in the midst of setbacks. Geopolitical hotspots continue to emerge and the shadow of terrorism and armed conflict still haunts us. Unilateralism and protectionism are accumulating, striking a heavy blow to multilateralism and the multilateral trade regime. The international community has reached a new crossroads; and we are faced with a choice between cooperation and confrontation, between openness and closure politics, and between mutual benefit and the beggar-your-neighbor's approach. Thus, the evolution of the global governance system will have a profound impact on the development of all countries, especially emerging markets and developing countries, as well as on the prosperity and stability of the whole world.

The BRICS countries should keep abad of historical trends, seize development opportunities, meet challenges together and play a constructive role in building a new kind of international relations and a community with a common future for humanity.

First, we should pursue a win-win cooperation. economy. Openness and cooperation are the surest way to make progress in the field of science and technology and to increase productivity. A trade war should be rejected because there will be no winner. Economic hegemony is even more reprehensible because it undermines the collective interests of the international community; those who follow this course will only end up hurting themselves.

As the global economy goes through a period of profound transition and change, it is only by opening up to different countries that mutual benefits, shared prosperity and sustainable development. This should be the right choice for all countries. We must strongly promote an open world economy, be resolved to reject unilateralism and protectionism, promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and jointly steer the global economy towards greater openness, balanced growth and win-win results. We should ensure that economic globalization brings more benefits. We must help emerging and developing countries, especially African and least developed countries, to become fully involved in the international division of labor and to reap the benefits of economic globalization.

Secondly, we must pursue innovation and seize development opportunities. Science and technology, as primary productive forces, have provided an inexhaustible force that has advanced human civilization. Humanity has made giant strides in advancing from an agricultural civilization to an industrial civilization, a process that has created both huge gains in social productivity and growing pains. The world today has reached a critical historical turning point again. In the new cycle of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, new things will inevitably emerge and replace the old ones. Indeed, it will be a difficult and painful process. But if countries succeed in seizing the opportunities that have presented themselves, they will be able to achieve new dynamic growth and provide better lives for their people.

Faced with the new opportunities offered by the new sciences and technologies, each country is entitled to development. Those who do not know the trend of the time will fall behind and become irrelevant. What we can and must do is seize opportunities, increase contribution to innovation, focus on creating new areas of growth and replace old growth drivers with new ones. We should strive to advance structural reform, remove all institutional barriers to innovation and fully unlock the potential for innovation and boost the market. We should develop a global perspective, stimulate international exchange and cooperation on innovation, and take full advantage of their comparative strengths and respective resources, to enable more countries and peoples to benefit from advances science and technology. At the same time, we should mitigate the impact of the application of information technology, automation and smart technology on traditional industries and create new jobs in the process of creating new industries.

Third, we should pursue inclusive growth to bring benefits to people of all countries. Unequal and insufficient development is a common challenge for all countries. The North-South gap, namely the gap between developed and emerging markets and developing countries, remains enormous. There are also differences in development at various levels within countries

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a comprehensive plan of action for the international community. We BRICS countries should, based on our actual national conditions, follow the directions of the 2030 Agenda as we pursue our own development strategies. We must give priority to people, ensure coordinated economic and social development and protect the environment, thereby giving our people a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness. We should ensure harmony between man and nature and encourage the international community to fully implement the Paris Agreement. We should treat nature with fear and do more to promote an ecological system conducive to green development. There is a need to promote international development cooperation, to urge developed countries to keep their promises of official development badistance and to increase their support for developing countries.

More developing countries than any other continent, Africa has more development potential. the world. We should strengthen cooperation with Africa, support its development and make BRICS-Africa cooperation a model of South-South cooperation. We should actively cooperate with African countries in areas such as poverty alleviation, food security, innovation, infrastructure development and industrialization, in a manner consistent with their conditions national. We must help African countries to develop their economic structure, contribute to the implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063 and thus enable Africa, an ancient continent, to gain vitality.

Fourth, we must support multilateralism and improve global governance. A favorable and stable external environment is crucial for the development of all countries, especially emerging markets and developing countries. Obviously, the current international order is not perfect. But as long as it is rules-based, aims to be fair and aims for win-win goals, such an international order should not be rejected at will, let alone should it be dismantled and rebuilt at new.

We BRICS countries must support multilateralism. We should urge all parties to fully respect the international rules adopted collectively, and we should treat all countries as equals regardless of their size, address the issues that matter to all through consultation and oppose the issue. Hegemony and power politics. We must promote common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and actively engage in mediation efforts to solve geopolitical problems. It is important for us to strongly support the multilateral trade regime, to advance the reform of global economic governance and to increase the voice and voice of emerging markets and developing countries. When new rules are established on innovation, trade and investment and protection of intellectual property or on new frontiers, including cyberspace, space or polar regions, we must make sure the interests of emerging countries and developing countries

Ladies and Gentlemen,


This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening. Success comes only through hard work. In the last 40 years, China has come a long way. With hard work, China paved the way for the construction of socialism with distinctive Chinese characteristics. Starting from the realities of China and developing a global vision, we in China have both drawn their strength from the wisdom of centuries-old Chinese civilization and learned from other countries, from East to West . We embraced the world and fully integrated our country. While pursuing its own development, China has also made an important contribution to the peace and development of humanity.

As the first developing country, China will follow the trend of the time and pursue a green, open and innovation-oriented development. all. We will redouble our efforts to pursue innovation-driven development and to participate fully in international cooperation on innovation and technology. We will play an active role in South-South cooperation to foster greater opportunities for joint development of emerging markets and developing countries.

China will continue to develop with its door open. At the annual Boao Forum for Asia conference held last April, I announced a number of new initiatives to further open China, and these initiatives are rapidly continued. China will build a more investment-friendly environment that is in line with international standards, is more transparent and rights-based, encourages competition, and opposes monopoly. China will take tough enforcement measures to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and make IPR infringement even more expensive. We encourage companies to maintain normal technological exchanges and cooperation and to ensure that their legal intellectual property rights are protected. China will also increase imports to promote the balance of payments under the current account.

China will host China's first international import exhibition in Shanghai in November, a major move to firmly support the liberalization of trade and open up its market. The Expo will serve as a new platform for the world's access to the Chinese market. To date, more than 130 countries and regions and more than 2,800 companies have confirmed their participation and more than 150,000 buyers in China and abroad are expected at this fair. I welcome the CEOs of other BRICS and African countries to participate in the Expo.

China will continue to vigorously pursue the Belt and Road Initiative to create new social and economic development opportunities for participating countries and to implement them. The Belt and Road initiative, guided by the principle of seeking shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution, was born in China but belongs to the world. We sincerely hope that other BRICS countries, African countries and other emerging and developing countries will forge strong partnerships with this initiative so that its benefits reach more countries and peoples.

China and African countries are friends, good brothers and good partners, and Sino-African cooperation is a good example of South-South cooperation. This month of September will see the meeting of China and African countries at the Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing. On the theme "China and Africa: Towards an even stronger community and a shared future through win-win cooperation", the Beijing Summit aims to strengthen the complementarity between the joint China-Africa efforts to pursue the Initiative 2030 Agenda on the one hand and the development strategies of African countries on the other hand. This will enable China and Africa to pursue high-quality, high-quality cooperation for mutual benefit and common development.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Trade Cooperation is the most important and successful aspect of BRICS cooperation. Thanks to our joint efforts, further progress has been made in this cooperation this year. The BRICS countries will forge a partnership on the new industrial revolution, which involves greater coordination of macroeconomic policies, closer cooperation on innovation and industrialization, and joint efforts to accelerate economic upgrading. and the replacement of growth engines. Our five BRICS countries have also made good progress in cooperation on trade facilitation, trade in services, e-commerce, intellectual property rights and other areas. These steps will enable us to seize opportunities and meet challenges in a changing world and to enrich the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy

The business world is the pillar of BRICS economic cooperation and a dynamic force who animates them. As business leaders, you have an important role to play in shaping the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation. I hope you will make full use of your strengths to enhance win-win cooperation for joint development among our five countries. As business leaders, you must take bold steps to explore new paths in the pursuit of reform and innovation. And working together, you can certainly open a new horizon for the development of our five countries and other emerging markets and developing countries. I also hope that you will keep in mind the needs of the people and that you will pursue both economic and social benefits, in order to increase public support for BRICS cooperation

Ladies and Gentlemen,


centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. Let me quote one of his famous sayings: "After climbing a big hill, we only find that there are many more hills to climb. Indeed, the history of BRICS cooperation is a journey of our five countries climbing great hills to reach new heights. I am confident that as our five countries move forward together, we will reach new heights, reach new heights and make an even greater contribution to peace and the development of humankind.

Thank you.

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