Fun Facts About Chocolate – KBC


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<p>  In Celebration of World Chocolate Day (July 7), We Brighten Up With Fun Facts About The World's Favorite Snack </p>
<li>  The Date argues that chocolate can be enjoyed as part of a balanced and heart-healthy diet and lifestyle. Forget that this is not good for you.When it is consumed with moderation, it can do wonders for your health.The world cocoa, which is about 70%, comes from West Africa and is grown by hand, in small family farms. </li>
<li>  Ivory Coast is the largest producer of cocoa, providing about 40% of cocoa. </li>
<figure style=  Chocolate
A Cocoa Farm in Ivory Coast
  • It takes two to four days to make a single serving chocolate bar
  • White chocolate is not chocolate at all This is because it does not contain any cocoa solids.
  • This is the only edible substance to melt. and 93 ° F, just below the temperature of the human body. That's why chocolate melts so easily on your tongue


  • Chocolate was used as a currency. In the Mayan period, the cocoa bean was used as a motto because it was considered worth more than gold dust. The cultivation of beans was limited, so the value of cocoa beans as money did not drop.
  • You can die if you eat too much chocolate! Chocolate contains high levels of a powerful stimulant called "Theobromine". Theobromine poisoning can cause heart failure, seizures, acute kidney damage and dehydration. (To ingest enough theobromine for it to be fatal, you must eat about 11kgs or 40 bars of milk milk in one sitting)
  • On average, a chocolate bar contains about eight parts of each. insects, but it is still considered safe for consumption.


  • Pure cocoa can really help prevent tooth decay. Certain chemicals naturally found in cocoa beans fight harmful bacteria in the mouth. The ability of chocolate to treat microscopic bacteria living on the surface of your teeth is so effective that it could be added to toothpastes and mouthwashes one day, less sugar, of course.


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