Government urges international community to put Jammeh under surveillance


Government of The Gambia called on the international community in particular
ECOWAS, AU, EU and UN as well as the Government of Equatorial Guinea
note with due attention subversive efforts and
Malicious intentions of the former Gambian leader, Yahya Jammeh.

Government message came in the wake of audio leak containing the
conversation of Jammeh and the followers of the APRC party in which Jammeh is shocking and
subversive comments were heard. According to the Government Office
Spokesperson, they do not take his comments lightly.

This is what the government says:

Government press release on the phone leak of former President Jammeh
Conversation with the APRC Executive

Government of the Republic of The Gambia, condemns in the strongest terms,
former Gambian president, Yahya Jammeh is utterly reprehensible and deeply
shocking and subversive comments contained in a leaked telephone conversation
with key members of the APRC.

leak of tape that went viral on social media a few days ago, revealed in
significant detail, the desperate efforts of the former president to stay
politically relevant in The Gambia, even as its trace of terror and economic
Crimes are ongoing for possible criminal prosecution.

Jammeh, who led The Gambia with an iron premiere for 22 challenging years and
sworn to stay for all eternity, is desperately heard, boasting without shame
his mysterious feat that challenges man and the supernatural world.
"Neither the man nor the ginn can stop me from returning to the Gambia" Jammeh
declared in the audio message.

Yaya Jammeh's characteristic style, the former leader, made it highly charged
political statements laced with dark insinuations and quaranic references, that
he will come back miraculously to power one day.

the long and rambling conversation, former leader of the APRC majority in the
National Assembly, HON. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, congratulated Jammeh, ensuring
the unshakable loyalty of the party. Mr Jatta, who, as leader of the majority, regrets
has led an emergency bill as a last-ditch effort to help the vanquished
dictator to cling to power illegally, is understood without remorse ensuring Jammeh
better days, continuous prayers and the protection of Allah.

the same audio, the former mayor of Kanifing Municipality, Yankuba
Collie, added some change to the conversation sometimes very childish as they joke
on concubines and good life inciting the hon. Jatta to ask, if the
$ 10,000.00 (ten thousand) Jammeh gave the former Mayor KMC was not spent on
concubines and womanizing. Like Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, Mayor Colley
addressed the exiled dictator in referential terms sometimes in a way that
suggests that Jammeh was holy

the light of these developments and aware of the dark record of former President Jammeh
of: orchestrated disappearances by the state, kidnappings, murders and incommunicado detention
detentions, routine torture and imprisonment of perceived political enemies,
journalists and members of the armed and security forces, the general public is
recalled that the government takes these comments very seriously and will act
accordingly and decisively.

the general public is badured that the safety and security of our dear
the homeland remains the top priority of the government of Adama Barrow.

President Adama Barrow's Government Calls on the International Community
especially ECOWAS, AU, EU and UN as well as the Equatorial Government
Guinea, to take note with due attention of the subversive efforts
and bad intentions of the former Gambian leader. "

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