Gulf of Oman: US sends more soldiers as oil tankers clash with Iran



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The US military will send 1,000 more troops to the Middle East as tensions with Iran intensify.

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the deployment responded to what he described as "hostile behavior" by Iranian forces.

The US Navy also shared new footage that would link Iran to recent tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman.

Iran announced Monday that it would no longer comply with part of the 2015 agreement on reducing its nuclear ambitions.

He said he would respect the limit set by the international powers for his enriched uranium stocks by June 27.

The deployment of US troops in the Middle East was announced Monday by Mr. Shanahan.

In his statement, he said that "the United States does not seek conflict with Iran" but that measures have been taken to "ensure the safety and well-being of our military personnel working throughout the region. to protect our national interests ".

"The recent Iranian attacks confirm reliable and credible intelligence we have received on the hostile behavior of Iranian forces and their proxy groups that threaten US personnel and interests in the region."

He added that the army would continue to monitor the situation and adjust the number of soldiers accordingly.

No details were given on where additional US forces would be posted.

The announcement of Monday's increase in membership is in addition to the additional 1,500 announced by President Donald Trump last month.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that the United States did not want war with Iran, but nevertheless considered "a whole range of options".

He is due to meet the US military commander responsible for the Middle East at Central Command in Florida on Tuesday.

Shortly before this announcement, the Pentagon released new images, including some claiming to show the remains of an unexploded mine on a Japanese-owned tanker.

The photos seem to show that he was kidnapped by members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps. The Pentagon has already released a grainy video meant to show the same episode.

The latest footage also shows apparent damage – a hole – above the waterline on the hull of the ship Kokuka Courageous.

Another image claims to show the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps vessel shortly after its involvement in dismantling the limestone mine.

The Norwegian tanker, the Altair Front, was also reportedly hit by explosions on Thursday.

The United States has involved Iran in the latest attacks and four others outside the Strait of Hormuz in May.

Iran denied any involvement and called the latest US accusations "unfounded".

In 2015, Iran signed a historic agreement with the world powers to curb its nuclear development.

It agreed to limit the enrichment of uranium, which is used for the manufacture of reactor fuel, but also nuclear weapons, as well as other measures in return for the use of nuclear fuel. a lifting of the sanctions.

Mr Trump abandoned the nuclear deal last year and began reimposing sanctions.

This decision paralyzed the Iranian economy, which is based on oil, and Iran reacted by reducing its nuclear commitments.

On Monday, a spokesman for his organization for atomic energy said it was about to exceed the agreed limits for its enriched uranium stocks by 10 days ago.

But, Iran said it was "still time" for European countries to act by protecting Iran from reinstated US sanctions.

The United States reacted by accusing Iran of "nuclear extortion".

The UK, France and Germany have warned Iran not to violate the 2015 agreement.

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