How Gaza amputees face challenges on the football field


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In fluorescent orange jerseys, footballers maneuvered through the artificial turf of a Gaza Strip – squeezing their metal crutches for support.


He was a goalkeeper, until he lost a leg in an Israeli air attack during the Gaza war in 2014.

Amum is one 15 members of the only amputee football team in the Gaza Strip. Aged 16 to 40, they train every Monday afternoon in Deir el-Balah, in the center of the coastal enclave.

They even have their own team song circulating on social networks, said Captain Mohammed Jewel proudly. Our hymn explains that disabled people are part of society, including football, "says Juifel, 21, who was cut off from a car accident at the age of 13.

Abd al- Majid Abu Milak, 25, lost his hand in an Israeli bombing.

"The training is difficult but fun," he said. "I feel like a goalkeeper who can compete "

Every day, players train in a room reserved for them at the Deir el-Balah Association for the Disabled.

The team owes its birth to Fuad Abu Ghaliun,

"I had the idea of ​​training this team by watching a football match between Turkish and British amputees at the end of last year," he said. I think I could realize a dream for hundreds of amputees in Gaza. "

He called the team" hero team "and hoped to form a local han league dicapée and join one day FIFA, FIFA. 19659004] & # 39; THE VICTORY OF PALESTINE & # 39;

Most camp players were injured by Israeli fire.

Israel fought three wars with the Islamist Hamas movement, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2008.

The Palestinian enclave and its two million inhabitants are under the Israeli blockade More than 10 years .

During the last confrontation in 2014, more than 2,000 Palestinians were killed, mostly civilians. Seventy-four people were killed on the Israeli side, mostly soldiers.
The organizers of the football team now hope that amputees wounded by Israeli fire during the recent violence on the Gaza border will also be able to join.

March 30 after mbad demonstrations calling on Palestinian refugees to return home now to Israel.

The ongoing violence has seen at least 139 Palestinians killed and more than 4,000 wounded by Israeli gunfire

. clashes, but others sought to break or damage the border fence.

No Israeli was killed.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza says hundreds of wounded have undergone amputations.

Train the Hero Team, "volunteer coach Khaled al-Mahbuh, 32, asked the opinion of doctors and studied online video clips.
The organizers have so far organized two games to five with teams drawn from the team, attracting According to Mahbuh, games, according to Mahbuh

"give the public pleasure, happiness."

Ibrahim Khattab, 13, lost his left foot during the 2014 war.

He participates in but he has not yet played in a match, although he has large ambitions.

"I dream of becoming a famous player and lifting the cup after the victory of Palestine," he declared

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