How locals lose to foreign players in megaprojects – News


Dar es Salaam. The absence of an appropriate local content policy (LPC) regarding the implementation of major construction projects means that local operators are losing almost everywhere their foreign competitors in the construction sector.

Currently, the LPC Tanzanian gas exploitation, and stakeholders are already claiming its extension to other sectors of the economy in general, and to construction in particular.

Prof. Ninatubu Lema, president of the Engineers Registration Board (ERB), claims that In an exclusive interview with The Citizen, Professor Lema was of the opinion that the locals could perform wonders s & rsquo; They were promoted appropriately.

have a large number of engineers willing and eager to participate in construction projects, and all they need is the recognition and support of their government, in According to Professor Lema , ERB encourages partnerships between foreigners and locals in all major projects in which Tanzanians can learn and adopt the skills of their colleagues from abroad. 19659002] "We need a policy that encourages the empowerment of young engineers by participating in domestic projects." The director of the Tanzanian Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), Mr. Godfrey Simbeye, echoed this opinion and said that the Foundation would ask Prime Minister Kbadim Majaliwa for the possibility of introducing a policy on local content in the construction sector.Mr Simbeye expressed his optimism that would benefit the locals in terms of skills transfers, and that part of the project budget would remain in the country, "earned" by Tanzanians.

According to the head of the TPSF, domestic projects need He emphasized that this program will be presented to the Prime Minister for it to act as it should.

"The Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) will sit in September this year – and C is when we ask the Prime Minister, who will chair the meeting, to review our request, "Simbeye told the Citizen in an exclusive telephone interview.

The administration of President John Magufuli also seems to be doing things with regard to promoting local companies. It is in 2016 that the government of President Magufuli proposed amendments to the law on public procurement (Chapter 410 of Tanganyika Laws) in order to allow the involvement of local companies in public procurement with companies foreign countries

. Fredrick Mwakibinga, Minister of Finance and Planning, proposed adding new sections to the Act (sections 55A, 55B, 55C and 55D). These measures would promote the use of domestically produced products and related services as part of international bidding, and strengthen the local procurement capacity of businesses.

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