Kajiado County to host this year's Madaraka Day celebrations


President Uhuru Kenyatta announced Saturday that Madaraka Day celebrations will take place this year in Kajiado County.

He intervened on his return to Kenya from Arusha, Tanzania, where he attended the 20th Summit of Heads of State of the East African Community.

The announcement of the presidency is in line with the recent trend that celebrations are organized in the counties on the occasion of national holidays, a break with the past when all these events took place in Nairobi.

The president, who was accompanied by Vice President William Ruto and Burundian Vice President Gaston Sindimwo, traveled from Namanga by road, making close to a dozen stopovers for his flight. address to the public. Kajiado governor Joseph Ole Lenku invited the leaders to a picnic lunch Oletepes in Kiserian.

During his interventions during the stopovers, the President spoke of regional integration, saying that the governments of the East African Community are committed to ensuring that the region become a single entity without restriction of internal borders.

"We will continue to strengthen our ties (EAC countries) until the day when we unite and our citizens become one and we will not have any more border posts," said the president during his visit. intervention at the Namanga one-stop border post.

He added that the time had come for Africa to take charge of its destiny and chart a peaceful future for its people.

The President encouraged border communities to live in peace and to take advantage of the various EAC treaties and facilities to engage in cross-border trade.

He added that the border communities must ensure that they live in harmony with each other, because no progress can be made in the absence of peace, adding that the government has the obligation to to ensure that citizens receive better services.

"We want to live in a democratic society where the government serves the people and not the other way around," said Kenyatta.

The head of state said that citizens should play a more active role in claiming their rights with government officials, as a contribution to the fight against corruption and impunity.

He urged members of the public to always be sure to obtain details of government officials with whom they meet with solicitations or bribes.

"Take their numbers and share them even in the media and we will treat them," said the president.

In Bisil, the president reiterated his call for Kenyans to withdraw from the steady politics and focus on development.

He said that he had forged his unit with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga so that leaders could devote their time and energy to serving Kenyans.

"The handshake has nothing to do with politics but with (development) development for Kenyans," Kenyatta said.

President Kenyatta said the current tranquility had seen a record two million tourists visit the country in the past year.

Speaking to Kiserian, President Kenyatta challenged members of Parliament to use the Constituency Development Fund to build more schools.

"I will build roads, I will provide electricity, MPs should build enough schools," said the president.

He announced that the government was funding the construction of a sewerage network in the city of Kiserian.

The president also announced that the government would finance the construction of paved roads in all parts of the city.

Vice President Ruto said Kenyans should focus on development and rally behind the president to move Kenya forward.

"We do not want stories, incentives and policies of division and tribalism. The president has brought together all Kenyans so that we can focus on development, "said the vice president.

The DP said that technical colleges were built in all constituencies of Kajiado and called on young people to enroll to acquire the technical skills needed to carry out the four major programs in the country.

The Burundian Vice President also spoke at the stopovers by President Kenyatta and DP Ruto, where he urged Kenyans to remain united.

He said that diversity is strength when people are united and Kenyans should cherish their country.

Vice President Sindimwo, who also attended the East African Community Summit in Arusha, said the EAC leadership was committed to stimulating integration projects in the region.

President Kenyatta also inspected the ongoing construction of the Ngong-Kiserian-Isinya-Mashuru road, where he said he was satisfied with the quality and speed of the construction works and promised to get back on the road quickly.

The President, among others, spoke at the Namanga one stop shop: Maili Tisa, Bisil, Kajiado, Isinya, Kiserian and Ngong.

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