KIMT StormTeam 3 Weather Forecast (7-17-18)


Text Speech for KIMT StormTeam 3 Weather Forecast (7-17-18)

This is the subtitle text badociated with this video. Since it uses an automated language to spell text and that grammar may not be accurate, we still live a beautiful day in northern Iowa and southern Minnesota while the high pressure stays under. firm control. we'll be clear for tonight and have more wednesday with the sun. some clouds will return in the afternoon and evening, but it is expected that rain will hold until the night of Wednesday evening to Thursday morning. Expect showers and storms throughout the day on Thursday with temperatures reaching only the mid-70s. There will also be rain early on Friday mornings. As the rain ends Friday night, we will spend a good weekend with the sun on Saturday and Sunday. the highs will be near 80 degrees both days. we are following more showers and storms by Monday night and next Tuesday. tyler wx weather-hand-5 weather-hand-4 we still enjoy a great day across northern Iowa and southern Minnesota while the high pressure remains under firm control. we'll be clear for tonight and have more wednesday with the sun. some clouds will return in the afternoon and evening, but it is expected that rain will hold until the night of Wednesday evening to Thursday morning. Expect showers and storms throughout the day on Thursday with temperatures reaching only the mid-70s. There will also be rain early on Friday mornings. As the rain ends Friday night, we will spend a good weekend with the sun on Saturday and Sunday. the highs will be near 80 degrees both days. we are following more showers and storms by Monday night and next Tuesday. Tonight: clear. low: the lower 60s. winds: northwest 3 to 6 mph. Wednesday: mostly sunny. Peaks: Nearly 80. Winds: Southeast at 5 to 10 mph. Wednesday evening: scattered thunderstorms come back. Low: less than mid-60. wind direction: South East at 10 to 15 mph. thanks tyler. /

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