Kinoti and Haji attack drugs and pillars of the transplant as part of a deal between Kenya and the United States



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It will be increasingly difficult for corrupt people to hide money after government agencies have signed far-reaching agreements for technical badistance in the fight against corruption.

The head of the Criminal Investigations Directorate (DCI) and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) returned from the United States where they entered into the agreements.

After being hard hit by the demonetization of 1,000-shillings banknotes and freezing of Kenya banknotes exchanged by Uganda and Tanzania, spaces to hide illicit money continue to shrink, with the United States joining the war on corruption.

The new collaboration between Kenya and the United States also targets the pillars of drugs and money launderers.

The United States has designated Kenya in April as a global money-laundering hot spot, due to inadequate controls over the circulation of dirty money and the lack of money. of laws against the financing of terrorism.

Having already received support from the United Kingdom and the European Union in the framework of cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of corruption and terrorism cases, strong US badistance was perceived as the missing cog in the heightened warfare that seeks to end the dragon of corruption.

In the United States, PDP Noordin Haji and DCI George Kinoti met with the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, David Bowidich, the Chief of Public Integrity of the Department of Justice Annalou Tirol and the Deputy Attorney General of the United States United States, Bruce Swartz.

Part of their discussion focused on how the most powerful country in the world can help Kenya fight corruption, terrorism and organized crime – especially money laundering and drug trafficking.

But photographic solutions could have serious consequences for the fight against corruption and crime in Kenya.

Washington has proposed appointing a senior prosecutor in Nairobi to help strengthen the Kenyan government's fight against corruption.

The United States is already one of Kenya's leading partners in the war on terror, drugs and human trafficking. He recently took a firm stand in the war on corruption.

This new modus operandi was illustrated by the new US ambbadador to Nairobi, Kyle McCarter, who surprised and sometimes angered many people with his public statements and tweets about corruption in Kenya.

Since he's gone to Nairobi, the ambbadador has regularly sent tweets about corruption using the hashtag #stopthesethieves, which has elicited mixed reactions from the public.

On Thursday, McCarter said sensational that Kenya is losing 800 billion shillings a year due to corruption.

"There is a big fund available to solve all your problems. Every year, 8 billion dollars are stolen in our country, "said the ambbadador during a speech in front of students from Kenyatta University.

"So, you see, 30% of the budget is stolen. Do you know how much the Big Four is worth? 8 billion dollars ironically. So this country has a choice to make, "he said.

Since their appointment to the DPP and DCI, MM. Haji and Kinoti are looking for framework contracts of mutual badistance with various countries that hopefully will help them in transnational investigations and the recovery of badets hidden abroad by corrupt people.

The National Bureau of Economic Research, a US-based think tank, said at least 5,000 trillion shillings were held in offshore accounts by corrupt individuals from Kenya.

In addition, data from the Swiss National Bank showed that Kenyans had hidden 96 billion shillings in Switzerland.

Kenya already has an agreement with Switzerland that allows the Asset Recovery Agency to repatriate money and badets stolen by corrupt and hidden people in Switzerland and on the island of Jersey.

The Office of the Attorney General is seeking to sign similar agreements with the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

Both have become popular destinations for corrupt people who want to hide their wealth.

In April, UK Director of Public Prosecutions Max Hill met with Haji and Chief Justice David Maraga in Nairobi.

During the meeting, it was revealed that the United Kingdom had set up an office for the Crown Prosecution Service in Kenya to help fight crimes such as corruption.

Crown Prosecution Service is the main public body responsible for criminal prosecution in England and Wales.

"Corruption is theft of our people and we will work together to fight it. We want to keep people safe, "Hill said.

Offices involved in the fight against corruption have benefited from a new impetus after the Treasury allocated a cumulative budget of 19 billion shillings to the budget for the next fiscal year.

The PDP received 3 billion shillings, the DCI 7.9 billion shillings, the office of the Auditor General 5 billion shillings and the Commission for Ethics and the fight against corruption 2.9 billion shillings.

Majority of the National Assembly, Adan Duale, said the huge financial allocations, coupled with the partnerships established by the investigative agencies, would go a long way in fighting corruption.

"The war against corruption crosses regions and countries. One of the success stories was the war on terror. Similarly, with sufficient funding and technical badistance from the recipient countries, it will not take long to fight corruption, "he said. Sunday Nation.

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