Namubiru: How I survived the tragedy of a Ugandan boat


Ugandan singer Iryn Namubiru was among those who survived the boat tragedy in Lake Victoria on Saturday night. Recounting the ordeal, she says that many could have been saved had they paid attention to security measures.

Friday night, I tried to sleep. I could not. There is a church nearby and they started praying very early.

Instead of annoying me, I started praying with them. I slept around 5am.

Saturday, I went to my salon in Lubowa to get a pedicure.

There, a friend, Mr. Hope Mukasa, called me and said, "You know what, I'm here. Friends have invited me for something. We go on a boat. "

I was not sure I wanted to go, but I asked him what time they were leaving

He told me that maybe in an hour, and then he called back after a few minutes to tell me, "We leave at 1:30 pm, so that leaves you 50 minutes.

I told him, "No way. I do not do boat cruises, so I give up.

At 1:30 pm, he called me and said, "You know what? Can you believe? We are always here. We are not gone yet.

I said, "You know what, go. I will not do it. Just go. "

I returned home around 2 pm

Hope reminded me shortly after and said, "So you really do not come?" You should come. Come and try it. "

I led to Ggaba. I arrived at 14:45 at KK Beach. [Hope] I saw from afar and beckoned. I found them at a table. Prince David Wasajja was at the same table.

People were asking questions about the situation of the boat. The boat did not arrive, but the alcohol was flowing. There was all kinds of alcohol. And all you asked for, you were served to the bottle. I did not know who was funding it, but they said that it was a gentleman called Freeman.

So, when I thought the boat would not come; it was four o'clock, I told Hope, "I want to go back."

But he asked me to stay.

The second time [I attempted to leave]they said, "Okay, now the boat is here."

I saw it from a distance, but it took another 30 minutes to arrive.

We headed for the small boats that took people to the big boat, but something told me, "No, do not leave".

I've shot, [went] and sat where I found another friend called Arnold Simbwa with other people.

There was another person called Stella Ntanda who said to me, "Iryn, no way. You do not leave us here …?

So I stayed. For the third time, I headed for my car. My friends asked, "Are you really going there?

They said, "Okay, come say goodbye to Freeman."

On the shore, they said, "Let's go!"

Then Freeman tried to explain to me, "You know, we had to leave around noon, but the boat had problems. Now it's here. We can go. You know that the boat had some failures.

I was like, "Oh my God, some misses?"

Anyway, we took one of those little boats [took] we at the big boat.

On the big boat, the music was booming and it was full, even overloaded. I did not have a seat. I did not have a lifejacket.

The boat that dropped us was coming in with life jackets, so I called back and said, "We have to get lifejackets." So they gave us three blue lifejackets. I wore my jacket and closed it.

Many had no jackets and many (who had them) had not even tied them. When Hope wore his, he left it open, claiming that he felt very warm. That's what I said, "Do not joke. Do you think that when the boat capsizes, it gives you time to put on your jacket?

People were in a good mood and many were already drunk or drunk. I had a place in the middle of the boat where I could observe everything. From the beginning, the DJs told us to balance the boat.

There was someone next to me, Freeman and others. I did not dance, but I was still slipping. I realized that the boat was still leaning to the side where I was and the DJ kept telling us "Balance the boat, balance the boat, please."

Hope Mukasa had noticed that there was water flowing in the boat and he showed it to me. At that moment, he would come in and out.

In fact, the boat was under repair as we sailed. The lights were on and off. I did not know it was the engine that broke down, we were in the middle of the lake and we were not moving.

I was a little scared when a wave hit the boat and a loudspeaker flew into the water.

There were other boats pbading by and the occupants realized that we had a problem and warned us that we were going to capsize.

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