News Daily: Searching for forest fires in Greece and holding elections in Pakistan


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Greece: Searching for survivors after at least 74 dead

Three days of national mourning were declared in Greece, while the services of the police emergency are looking for forest fire survivors who have killed at least 74 people. Winds of 100 km / h blow the flames near the capital Athens.

On Tuesday, the bodies of 26 adults and children were found on a cliff, apparently dead kissing them when they could not escape the fires. Rescuers are looking for homes, cars and shoreline, amid fears that the death toll is rising. Gavin Lee of the BBC spoke to families affected by the disaster.

The seaside resort of Mati, where people ran into the sea to survive, was described by a survivor as having lived through a "biblical catastrophe". Authorities have suggested that arsonists, who are looking to loot abandoned homes, may have unleashed more fires. Here are some pictures of the devastation caused. And we look at what allows fires to spread.

Imran Khan seeks power while Pakistan votes

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are deployed while up to 106 million people vote in the Pakistani elections. The former national cricket captain, Imran Khan, is seeking an anti-corruption ticket, but his opponents accuse his party of complicity with the country's very powerful army, which Imran Khan denies. His main opponent is former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, of the PML-N party. Here is an overview of the allegations of electoral fraud, intimidation and media muzzling

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The singer Demi Lovato suspected of overdose [19659005] Singer Demi Lovato would be hospitalized as a result of an alleged overdose. The 25-year-old girl was found unconscious in the Hollywood Hills, where she lives, and was treated on the scene with Naloxone, an anti-overdose drug, according to the site's information website. TMZ showbusiness. Mrs. Lovato would be in a stable state. In the past, she was talking about the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction

Why North Korea is in no hurry to do what the United States wants

By Hervé Lemahieu , Lowy Institute

North Korea is an unsuitable power. Despite his renewed confidence as a country endowed with nuclear weapons, he remains a weak state concerned about its very survival. The fact that his influence depends disproportionately on his military strength may, ironically, lead him to make less serious concessions than the United States and others have hoped for.

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Inferno "is the title of Metro because newspapers show scenes of destruction in Greece caused by forest fires." The Guardian describes what happened as an "indescribable tragedy", while the Times reports that families have been "trapped together" after being trapped, while the Daily Star is focusing on the heatwave in the UK, saying the country is reaching its peak. "boiling point", burglars taking advantage of open windows and emergency rooms dealing with cases of sunburns.And the Sun says that a large part of the planet is plagued by a "heatwave", with hundreds of deaths in Europe and Japan

Daily digest

Excludes students Too many children are chased out of ordinary clbades, say deputies [19659006] "Acid Attack" & # 39; 39; Five men indicted after three-year-old boy injured

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