NLC urges African leaders to fight corruption to accelerate development


The Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC) urged African leaders to join forces to fight corruption in all its ramifications in order to accelerate development on the continent.

million. Ayuba Wabba, president of the NLC said this in an anti-corruption day statement on the theme: "Win the fight against corruption: a sustainable path to African development".

Ayuba Wabba, president of the NLC

According to him, this has become necessary for all to face corruption. The development of the continent

"We believe that corruption is a monster that must be confronted head-on so that Africa progresses or is taken seriously in the courtesy of the nations

" For us, this fight We must go beyond the symbolism of marking the day with a demonstrable commitment from the leaders of African countries and other leaders. "Corruption is a reprehensible crime that must be eliminated," he said.

Wabba said that corruption has remained the most urgent concern of governance and development issues facing Africa.

He added that corruption continued to stunt growth and development in a number of ways, creating unacceptable unemployment situations and deteriorating infrastructure. The president of the NLC said that corruption also created conflict situations or exacerbated them as was the case with the Boko Haram insurgency under the previous one. It is therefore clear that the high incidence of corruption in Africa poses a direct threat to its progress, stability and well-being.

"We find it comforting that the AU has not only recognized the enormity of this problem, but has set aside a day as a lifelong reminder and symbol of the fight against corruption ", he said.

Wabba al However, he said that the NLC has organized sensitization workshops and also called for special anti-corruption courts and the imposition of the death penalty for serious corruption cases.

He however stated that the Thabo Mbeki report on illicit financial flows in Africa mbadive corruption persists in the public and private sectors.

According to him, this underlines not only the seriousness of the incidence of corruption; it presents an image of the despair of the African condition.

"But we do not need despair if we are determined or determined to deal with corruption."

"It is on this note that we ask all those who want to see a new Africa rise by mutual agreement and fight corruption today.

" These are African leaders, multinationals, Western financial institutions, all of us, "he added

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