"Nothing less than treason": US voters at the top of Trump-Putin | American News


We asked American voters to tell us how they saw Monday's meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Hundreds of people got in touch to share their views

. Many have expressed concern that Trump has undermined the FBI and the US intelligence services, which he later retracted. Others reacted more positively to the meeting and felt that improving relations with Russia would contribute to global stability. Here is a range of your views.

"A real American president would be worried"

Mary, 53, writer, Ohio

"Trump has betrayed his oath of office by fully approving Putin's refusal to do so." Interference on the US intelligence services unanimous agreement that Russia has interfered in our elections.Trump has always refused to call Russia or Putin on anything.He defended Russia by attacking our allies.I find this suspect, it's the least that can be said, and I'm embarrbaded and worried about the future of my country.I think Putin has a disproportionate influence on Trump.Trump expressed a virtual Putin's idolatry since before the elections, and this has only worsened.A real American president would worry about the election's interference, but Trump routinely dismissed him as s & rsquo; It was only a persistent wasp.Our system of checks and balances does not The GOP must recognize that Donald Trump is not a trustworthy leader. This is no longer politics as usual. It is high time that the GOP put the country before the party. "

" I thought that he could not go lower "

Kevin, 62 years old, retired US Army, Sacramento

Cold War veteran, I consider his statements as giving "help and comfort" to Putin.After two years of hearing his daily lies and reading his ego-focused Twitter messages, to see the harm he's done to long-term health end of the country, and to see him repeatedly turn on our friends and treat the enemies of freedom as "friends", I thought that he could not go lower.But watch him stand next to Putin and attacking our intel community, the FBI, and basically saying that Putin is to believe is simply treason.It is important that the United States have discussions, have fair trade and work with the Russian government on many fronts, but never at the expense of our values ​​or the expense of our (There are many things that we, the Russians and others, should work together – global warming, the reduction of nuclear weapons, terrorism, etc.) On a personal level, my girlfriend is Russian and I would love our nations to hear then she and I can visit family and friends without the politics and actions of every nation that darkens the waters. "

" It is important to have a good relationship with Russia "

James, 49, Mexican official

" I think it was a great job of the from Trump. The fear speech about Russia has reached a ridiculous level in the United States and would not be possible if the American public was more educated and aware with regard to history, world events and foreign policy. We are also mingling with elections and have overthrown many governments. The only reason to vilify Russia is to revive the military-industrial complex and for an impractical liberal-pro-LGBT ideology that most Americans do not approve of. It is very important to have a good relationship with Russia because they are a Christian nation and can serve as a counterbalance to nihilist secularism in the West. "

" I do not agree with the growing tension of the United States with Russia "[19659007] Ricky, 48, security guard, British Columbia

"Isis was a very big threat and Russia had to take the lead in this fight because, unfortunately, the United States has reduced it. I do not agree with the United States and NATO that increase their tensions with Russia militarily, economically yes, but not militarily at this stage. The heightened tension that Obama has had with Putin has put the world at risk. I do not think Putin has undue influence on Trump; two very big players have to make their way to position themselves and it is not a matter of making the media happy to be hostile to a world leader just to be good for the optics of that time. "

" Trump is deeply unprepared "

Carl, 37 years old The Helsinki summit with Putin, and the Singapore summit with Kim from North Korea, have made it clear that Trump is deeply unprepared, unskilled, and unmotivated to represent American interests, and his personality flaws are a gaping hole in national security that is exploited by opponents.It is extremely important that Russia and the United States cooperate on the issues of the United States. nuclear weapons to prevent the resurgence of an arms race, reduce inventories of fissile material, maintain confidence in existing bilateral treaties, the NPT among emerging nuclear powers around the world. Relations between the United States and Russia in this area must be based on mutual respect and concrete and verifiable commitments. "A good relationship" is not defined by the personal chemistry between Trump and Putin.

"The focus should have been on broader issues"

Jack, 21, a student in Philadelphia

at the beginning, that a meeting would be constructive. There are many unresolved issues between the United States and Russia that could very easily turn into something bigger. We both have troops fighting close to one another in Syria, and we are funding and supporting the opposing sides of a war in Ukraine. As the titles came out however, I was (unsurprisingly) disappointed with the way the meeting went. The focus should have been on bigger problems between each country, but instead they talked about the Russian investigation and ignored everything that was important. I have the impression that there is a difference between a "good" relationship and a "civil" relationship. Even if I do not want to see our president talking about the Russian president as if they were college housemates, I would like the United States and Russia to hear at a broader level. There should be open channels of communication and mutual understanding between each other, but not the open sense of brotherhood that Trump wants. "

" He was harder with Russia than any other president "

Diane, 57 years old customer service representative, Texas

" I think that mbad hysteria is laughable. He [Trump] has his reasons for not publicly calling Putin. He is trying to work with this adversary for the best of our country. He always puts our country first. He's not a seasoned politician, so he does not always say things the right way. My question would be where are his communication team? They could have said how he could perhaps better explain his case. Maybe he's not listening to them? He was tougher with Russia than any other president, especially Obama. Look at his actions, not his words. It is very important for Trump to have good relations with Russia. Same with Kim Jong-un. This is a false outrage on the left. They just do not want it to succeed. "

" I have not trusted our intelligence agencies since 2003 "

Ryan, 33, a medical student, Missouri

" I think the meeting it's gone well. It is important that our leader build bridges with other nations and defuse the hawkish rhetoric that serves as a pretext for a serious and potentially deadly conflict. I have not trusted our intelligence agencies since 2003 when they lied to the world about Iraq and, more importantly, about the American people in order to manipulate us to support a military intervention in the Middle East. East. My generation, friends and family, has been beaten and died for a cause based on the lies generated by intelligence agencies and the MSM [mainstream media]. It is important to establish and maintain good relations with Russia, China, France, India, Pakistan and all other nuclear powers. Not only because they are nuclear powers, but because the alternative increases the likelihood of disastrous consequences. Returning to the atmosphere of the Cold War after the Second World War would be an alternative that only serves those who profit from military conflict and escalation. "

" The American system is in danger "

James, 71, emeritus professor DC

" It is important that the relations between Russia and the America is good enough to prevent the outbreak of a nuclear war. It is hard to say how far that can go, because the most urgent priority is to ensure that Russian efforts to disrupt democratic institutions around the world are thwarted. The real problem is that the Republican Party, as a whole, was hijacked in 2016 by right-wing, vilest extremists, and the American constitutional system is now more in danger than it has been. been since the beginning of the civil war. Looking at the situation in a more philosophical way, Marx was deceived and Karl Polanyi was right. When the middle clbad is squeezed and the lower clbad is exploited by free excesses of laissez-faire capitalism, they are much less likely to stage a socialist revolution than to turn to a fascist demagogue like Trump or Putin.

very few potentially good things that Trump did "

Hendrik, 69, economist, Mbadachusetts

" I think the meeting is one of the few things potentially good that Trump has done.The push to revive a kind of cold war must be strongly resisted, and that involves talking to Russia and engaging it.I do not support Trump in any way, and I do not trust nothing of what he says, but I find it unbelievable that anti-Trump hysteria has led the US progressives to side with the usual warmongers, imperialists, and pro-military politicians. "Especially worrisome is The sudden praise and approval by Trump critics of agencies like the CIA and the FBI, who actively interfere in every political system around the globe and have always lied to us in a systematic way. Collective hysteria and the stu American society are clearly exposed. How will we ever deal with complex problems in such an immature political environment? "

" Blatant lack of respect for American institutions "

Leslie, 24, Law Degree, New York

" On one side, I have not been surprised. in fact, I expected the press conference to be full of praise for Putin, mockery about "FAKE NEWS". and reproach US intelligence. However, the mere thought of not worrying when these expectations have been proven is inherently worrying. More importantly, it is troubling that the din of the conviction for Mr. Trump and his comments on the world stage is not deafening. Some congressional Republicans have criticized Trump; some simply said that Russia is not an ally; the others are silent. The end result is a mixture of exasperation that Mr. Trump is as inept as I had thought, of abject disappointment that half of Congress will give him free rein, and anger that this type of performance is no only tolerable, but even allowed to have progressed to this level of blatant disrespect for American institutions. "

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