On the last test flight in Florida, a girl from Delhi died in an air crash | News from Delhi


New Delhi: "I'm so excited didi! It's my last flight," confided to her sister Nisha Sejwal during a video call in Florida, USA. Moments later, the 19-year-old trainee driver died in an open-air collision. Oddly enough, the words she had chosen to describe her last test flight proved to be tragic for her family in the Lado Sarai of southwestern Delhi.

"Nisha took the test when she and her instructor were still out in the open and had to want to share the news with us," said Sneha Sejwal, a sobbing cousin of the teenage girl.

Inspired by two other cousins, Virender and Priti, the two pilots, Nisha joined the Dean International Flying School in Florida in 2017. She had days left to complete her training and she had to be joined by her parents and brothers. and sisters for a vacation before going home on Friday. But as Sneha revealed, the family visa application was rejected and the plan did not work.

But that did not dampen Nisha's enthusiasm. "She had already bought presents for us all," said Yogita, another cousin. "She was so happy every time we had a video chat with her, and none of us can believe the calamity that has hit our family.

Nisha's father, Chhotu Sejwal, was inconsolable. "He is crying silently in Nisha's room with his picture in his hands," said Sneha. He was always the first to know something new in his daughter's life, but was the last to learn of his death.

The businessman, who has an Amul dealer, was in Kazakhstan and was inaccessible on his phone. When he finally heard the news, he rushed home and cried in isolation since.

The Sejwal common family remains in Lado Sarai, where they have an entire alley of 15 houses. The first rank belongs to Chhotu Sejwal. "My father has 15 brothers and we have always lived together – Nisha and we grew up as sisters, never knowing what cousins ​​are," Sneha said in a strangled voice.

With Virender and Priti as models, Nisha decided to become a pilot when she was in Clbad VI at the DAV model school. She moved to Amity International School after clbad X.

"She was a goal-oriented girl," said Divya Bhatia, director of Amity. "Students are not usually so focused on their career at such a young age, but Nisha definitely wanted to become a pilot."

Mrignayani Rawat, Nisha's closest friend since childhood, regretted not meeting her often after graduation. "We had planned to meet before leaving for Florida, but for some reason we could not, I would have liked to spend time with her then," she said sadly.

According to news reaching India, Nisha was among the four killed when a Piper PA-34 and a Cessna 712 collided over Miami-Dade. The family said his uncle had gone to Florida and was waiting for the young pilot's body to arrive home on Friday night or Saturday morning.

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