Police question all survivors of a tragedy on a boat


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All survivors of the boat accident on Lake Victoria, which left 32 dead, will be questioned, police said in Uganda on Tuesday.

They are treated as suspects, said Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesman Luke Owoyesigyire, adding that the information provided will help investigators gather facts before, during and after the tragedy.

The MV Templar capsized on Saturday as many revelers headed from KK Beach to Ggaba Landing Site.

The skipper had hijacked the ship for an emergency mooring at Mutima Beach after a malfunction in the middle of the trip.

The 26 survivors either swam to shore, were quickly rescued by people in fishing boats or held on guardrails until the volunteers arrived.

Mr. Owoyesigyire said the interrogation of Prince David Wasajja had been delayed to allow him to recover from the shock of imminent death and the loss of his friends.

"Like many survivors, he could still be in shock. The survivors are trying to recover from an incident that has almost cost the lives. Many friends and relatives have been lost, "said the spokesman.

"We can not rush to register their statements."

Survivors and witnesses recounted differently the tragedy, the history and the mechanical condition of the ship.

The State Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Aggrey Bagiire, and Ms. Zurah Ganyana, spokesman for the rescue and recovery operation after the Mutima accident, said the police Maritime had tried unsuccessfully to prevent the protesters from leaving Ggaba after some of them had become rowdy.

The majority was inebriated and wild, said the police, an account The daily monitor could notcheck independently.

It was also reported that the ship was unfit for travel after being broken and immobilized for weeks.

At the same time, the police announced that 30 of the 35 vehicles remaining on Ggaba Beach had been taken by the deceased's owners or relatives after satisfactory evidence had been provided.

The rest will be towed to the Ggaba Police Station.

The boat owners, who were also on board, were killed and buried on Tuesday in the Kira municipality.

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