Political Mau: Chicken Comes Home: The Standard


An unobstructed section of the Maasai Mau Forest in Narok County. [Kipsang Joseph, Standard]

The Masai Mara Game Reserve and Rift Valley lakes and rivers have been severely affected by persistent drought as a result of the ongoing encroachment of the Mau Forest Complex.

The destruction of the vital watershed also raised concerns about the decrease in the flow of water from Lake Victoria.
The excisions and the unforeseen political settlement that were approved by the government in 2001, in defiance of an objection raised by several organizations, have now caused the degradation of critical catchment areas.
The Mara River, which is the lifeline of the vast national reserve, has dried up, forcing the crocodiles and hippopotamuses that frequent it to migrate.

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Other tributaries of the river, which are the scene of the spectacular migration of wildebeest, have also dried up, with human activities along the banks of the river and the Mau forest being blamed.
According to Mara-Serengeti Ecosystem Coordinator Nicholas Murero, the other rivers in the broader Maasai Mara ecosystem, such as Sekenani, Talek, Nkoilale and Ewuaso Ng'iro, are also dry.
Murero attributes the drying up of rivers to sand harvesting activities that have become widespread and which, he says, continue unabated despite numerous complaints to the authorities.
Human-wildlife conflict
"Every day, trucks loaded with sand leave the Mara to destinations such as the city of Narok, Kericho and Bomet.

SEE ALSO:Catastrophe: fire destroys 150 hectares of bamboo in Mau Forest

"We complained to NEMA, but nothing is happening," says the environmentalist.
He added that if the situation persists, conflicts between humans and wildlife in the region could intensify, adding that concerted efforts were needed to save Mau's water castle and prevent large farmers from harvesting. water during the dry season.
Earlier this year, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) sounded the alarm over the growing number of conflicts between humans and wildlife.
The Wildlife Agency said the incidents were increasing because the current drought is forcing wild animals to leave their natural habitat while they are looking for pastures and water.
The areas most affected by the conflicts are Narok, Taita Taveta, Laikipia, Kajiado, Meru, Mau, Marsabit, Lamu and Mount Kenya.

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The 2001 excisions of the Mau Forest have been detrimental to the environment in many respects, particularly with respect to household water supply, electricity supply, electricity, water and electricity. downstream agriculture, timber production, biodiversity, tourism and climate change.
"It is estimated that more than five million people in western Kenya and ten million in Uganda and Tanzania are directly affected by the effects of Mau's excisions and colonies," said Richard Keter, director of the Greenlife Network , Nature and Ecosystem.
According to Keter, water catchment areas are essential for key economic sectors, including power generation, the tea sector, tourism and wildlife.
Following the decommissioning of the government in 2001, some 67,000 hectares of forest land reserved, mainly in the Mau complex, have been allocated to individuals, some of whom are still living in the forest and still cutting trees.
The Sondu Miriu hydroelectric plant in the Nyanza area is also affected, but it is unable to operate because of the low water level that does not allow the turbines to generate electricity.
"There are no big forest tracks in the excised area that can be recovered. However, there are some valuable isolated forest plantations along the border between excision and settlement areas, "said Michael Gachanja of the Kenya Forest Network.
According to him, some 2,300 households entered the forest reserve clbadified in the Official Journal up to 10 kilometers in 2005.
Gachanja attributes corruption, hesitant political will and abuse of power to the major contributors to forest loss in the country. Kenya currently has less than 10% of recommended forest cover.
Besides the rivers Ewaso Nyiro and Mara almost completely dry, the water levels of Narok Enkare, on which depend the inhabitants of the city of Narok for their drinking water supply, Enkare Ngo's sor, Entoroboni, Sikinder and several other small rivers whose forest has been growing in the last 20 years have continued to decline.
Tire and shoot
Residents fear that the cause of ethnic clashes will turn from problems of permanent land ownership to water availability.
Over the last two decades, wheat and other crop production has declined as a result of changing weather patterns.
The country has a land mbad of about 144 million acres and only 1.7 million hectares are currently forested.
However, more than 50,000 people still residing in the Masai Mau Forest have been deported after the government expelled more than 10,000 people from the Kosia and Nkareta regions in September of last year.
Narok County Commissioner George Natembeya said they were ready to begin the second phase of the evictions, but that they were expecting a directive from the CS Environment Keriako Tobiko.
The future of the Mau Forest, however, rests in the hands of the Nakuru environment and land court after Chief Justice David Maraga has appointed a three-judge tribunal to hear the governor's motion. from Kericho, Paul Chepkwony, challenging the second phase of evictions targeting 40,000 people.

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Mau ForestDroughtConservation

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