Postponement of vote on two-thirds of the rule of representation in the House of Genders – Kenya


The President of the National Assembly, Justin Muturi. [Photo, File]

Proponents of the draft law on gender equality will have to wait until next Tuesday the date fixed for the vote.


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The vote was suspended today for lack of a quorum.

Women parliamentarians lobbied leaders to appear and vote. Party leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka appeared before Parliament to rally their support for the bill, but this was not the case.

The draft law on the constitution (amendment), 2018, is sponsored by the majority leader, Aden Duale, who called for his adjournment when it became apparent that his pbadage was not guaranteed.

The speakers after the speakers supported Duale, stating that it was better to put the bill aside than to let it fail.

At one point, the House seemed complete, but the Speaker of the National Assembly, Justin Muturi, warned the deputies, who insisted that the vote be kept on the fact that the 233 deputies required were -being present but that did not mean that they were all in favor of voting. bill.

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To insure members, Muturi kept the tabs, calling the numbers, which ranged between 212 and 207.

House Leshomo, representative of Samburu, said some members were not sincere in their demands for the law on gender equality.

Gladys Wanga (ODM), representative of the woman in Homa Bay, supported her feelings. She asked Muturi to determine the number of members present and to determine if the vote could continue.


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Suna East's Junet Mohammed (ODM) seemed upset by calls for postponements, saying he had lobbied more than 100 NASA lawmakers for them to go to the polls.

"The bill took Parliament hostage for a month and we have to do without it," he said.

Duale rejected claims that, if the bill was not put to the vote today, it would collapse.

"We can push him back until February, and he will not die of a natural death until December of 2019," he said.

His date of February was a suggestion. The exact date of the vote will be discussed on Tuesday.

Duale said it needed more time to lobby, consult and engage more people to bridge the gender gap.

Among those who supported the decision to suspend the bill were Sabina Chege (Jubilee) of Murang & a John and John Mbadi, National President of the ODM.


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Mr Mbadi had earlier urged the legislators of the ODM to run for the afternoon session and vote for the bill.

He seemed to be singing a different tone when he supported Duale's request to push the debate at a later date.

Olago Aluoch (ODM) of Kisumu West urged the House not to downplay the importance of the issue.

"Duale should know that his request could result in the death of the bill," he said.

According to the Standing Orders, the bill can not die at this stage. He has the life of two sessions. Keeping him will not kill him.

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