Raila: African leaders must change


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The agenda for Africa's development will only be realized if there is a fundamental change in the mindset of its leaders, said the High Representative of the African Union for Infrastructure Development, Raila Odinga .

Speaking in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, at an infrastructure conference, Odinga said leaders will need to make transformative decisions and be innovative in the way they approach. persistent problems.

"In terms of infrastructure, these problems include insufficient road and air connectivity and trade deficits that we as a continent have come to accept as normal. We live in the era of digital information. We must therefore accelerate the unblocking of bottlenecks policies for broadband projects in ICT and fiber optic linking our states. We need to help children and African leaders access information in one click, otherwise we will never compete, "Odinga said.

"In this quest, old habits and old paradigms must give way to thoughtful initiatives, and I am happy that we have embarked on this path. I note such a change in the creation of the Presidential Initiative of the Champions of Infrastructure and the High Representative's Initiative for Infrastructure Development in Africa. "

He urged delegates to go in the same direction. "If we all commit ourselves to this common cause, our efforts will be realized as soon as possible," he said.

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