Rand Paul on Russian electoral interference: "We all do it"


  Rand Paul is photographed. | Getty Images

"I wish President Obama was more aggressive in his pursuit," said Sen. Rand Paul Paul about the Russian aggression during the Obama administration. | Alex Wong / Getty Images

Sen. Rand Paul sought Sunday to justify Russia's interference in the 2016 US presidential race, saying that all countries are interfering in foreign elections.

"I think we're confusing our answer if we think it's the responsibility of the Russians, they're another country, they're going to spy on us," Paul said on the show. CNN's "State of the Union", a day before the planned summit of President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

"We will do the same," added Paul.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced Friday the indictment of Robert Mueller by 12 Russian military lawyers for hacking the Democratic National Committee in 2016.