Revenue from Dar Port, users up


APT Director General, Deusdedit Kakoko, said the port's revenue has increased gradually, averaging between 10 and 42 percent over the past five years.

Inform the media about the performance of the port for the period 2016 / Yesterday, the chief of ports said that the number of goods in the port had risen by at least 1.5 percent annually.

Kakoko said that in 2017/18, more than 16 tons of goods were transported. served at the port of Dar es Salaam, compared to 14.7 million tonnes served the previous year, an increase of over 1 million tonnes.

"The number of containers handled by Tanzania's International Container Services (TICTS) has also increased by at least 7.3% per year," he said.

The DG further explained that despite a number of difficulties the port faces, he successively managed to maintain a good performance by attracting more customers to use the port, which has contributed substantially to an increase in revenue.

According to the General Manager, revenue has steadily increased since the port took the initiative to enhance security by installing modern security facilities, reducing storage costs and the duration of customs clearance, among other improvements.

He claimed that the days of customs clearance at the port continue to be improved after the introduction of a single window where all services of competent authorities are available under one roof.

Kakoko added that the introduction of more offices in the neighboring countries of Congo, Zambia and Malawi have allowed TPA to have more clients.

The APT boss said the construction of a dry harbor in the coastal region was progressing well, adding that he was in the final stages. The presence of illegal ports in the country was among the challenges that TPA faces, adding that illegal ports affect revenue collection as well as human health because imported contraband goods are often not suitable for human consumption.

the Authority had decided to register all the ports of the country and the exercise was in the final stages.

In 2016, the Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure Development revealed The Chairman of the Committee, Professor Norman Sigalla, then stated that the problem of multiple taxes and levies imposed on transit freight proved that customers of the port of Dar was rejected, not by his notorious bureaucratic delays in customs clearance, but rather by an unfavorable tax regime. a very discouraging factor for many importers and exporters from neighboring countries

Professor Sigalla said that this lack of understanding of the problem by the local competent authorities was slowly dismantling Dar port of any competitive advantage that it could have had on his rivals. 19659002] The Committee advised the Government to abolish value-added tax (VAT) on goods transiting through the port, stressing that competing ports such as Durban, Beira and Mombasa do not charge tax, and that the tax was making the port of Dar

The committee also urged the government to abolish double taxation for cargo storage, citing the storage rent charged by TPA and a so-called Low Warehouse Rent Imposed by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) for the same cargo, both government agencies.

It further recommends that the maximum duration of port stay for imported oil be formally extended from 30 days to 90 days. The port of Dar es Salaam could be among the most successful in the region.

The port of Dar es Salaam serves a number of landlocked countries, including Malawi. , Zambia, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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