S. Sudan says intense pressure is not needed in the midst of positive progress for peace – Xinhua


JUBA, July 11 (Xinhua) – South Sudan on Wednesday called for international pressure to impose an arms embargo as unjustified as the warring parties have recently shown flexibility after accepting permanent truces and security arrangements crucial for peace. Makol Ariik, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, told Xinhua in Juba that the pressure exerted by international Troika partners, including the United States, Britain and Norway, is are not necessary.

"There should not be a lot of pressure because there is a breakthrough, we need to have more time to discuss," Ariik said. His remarks came after it appeared on Tuesday that the United States plans to urge the UN Security Council to impose the arms embargo on South Sudan until the end of the war. May 2019 due to frustrations on the South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, the leader of the main rebel group – the Sudan People's Liberation Army – in opposition (SPLA-IO), have agreed to a permanent ceasefire on June 27 in Khartoum after face-to-face negotiations brokered by Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir under the auspices of the East African bloc, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

The ceasefire was however violated in less than 72 hours

"The IGAD should have a chance to negotiate peace, that is exactly what the government wants (from the South -Sudan), "said Makol

. He also proposed to discuss the power sharing that would allow Machar to return to his former position as Senior Vice President.

The United States imposed sanctions, including freezing travel and property, on several senior rebel leaders.

The United Nations has also imposed sanctions on senior government officials and rebel forces.

South Sudan entered the civil war in late 2013, creating one of the fastest refugee crises in the world. 19659002] A peace agreement of 2015 was broken when belligerents resumed fighting in July 2016 in the capital, forcing rebel leader Machar to flee into exile.

The UN estimates that about 4 million South Sudanese have been internally and externally displaced. 19659014] [ad_2]
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