Signature of a North American Free Trade Agreement in Argentina: Kudlow :: Kenya


The director of the US National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, announced that a new North American Free Trade Agreement would be signed at the G20 summit in Argentina. [Photo: AFP]

The new North American Free Trade Agreement, which binds Canada, the United States and Mexico, will be signed on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires this weekend, said Tuesday the White House Economic Advisor , Larry Kudlow.


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Kudlow said that US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau believed that the renowned US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) would support the auto industry and its employees. .

"This agreement will be signed in Argentina," he said.

In Ottawa, Trudeau's office said the parties "were looking to" sign the pact on November 30, but added that details were being finalized.

"We are still discussing what a signature ceremony might look like," said a senior official, adding that in the meantime, "the scrub of the legal text is continuing".

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