Sisi says false rumors are the main threat to Arab countries


Sisi said his government detected 21,000 false rumors over a three-month period.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi voted. Photo: @ AlsisiOfficial / Twitter

CAIRO – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi warned Sunday that Arab countries, including Egypt, could implode from within what He described it as a barrage of rumors aimed at spreading instability. At a graduation ceremony in Cairo, Sisi said his government had detected 21,000 false rumors over a three-month period.

Sisi, who was elected president after leading the army to oust Mohamed Mursi the year of the Islamist president's tenure, sees himself as an attempt to rebuild Egypt after years of unrest that started in 2011.

"The real danger is to explode the countries in the interior Rumors, acts of terrorism, loss of hope and frustration, all this works in a big network aiming for one goal, one goal, is to push people to destroy their country, "Sisi said in Arabic. 19659004] "Destroying our countries will not take place unless it comes from within.We must be vigilant and pay attention to what is being shot against us in secret," he said. added, without naming any party.

He said that he understood the economic hardship that ordinary Egyptians are suffering because of economic reforms, nothing justifies "The Sisi government has been criticized by the Egyptians for rising fuel prices, electricity and transport, as part of IMF-backed reforms calling for the lifting of fuel price subsidies that are causing economic hardship for many people. Egyptians

Critics accuse the Sisi government of presiding over the most severe repression of dissent since 2011, imprisoning thousands of people, mostly Islamists but also liberals who opposed its policies [19659008]. stability in the most populous country in the Arab world and save it from the anarchy and destruction that have witnessed other Arab countries such as Syr ia and Libya.

At the ceremony, which was attended by senior army officers, including former Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Sisi also congratulated the army officers who overthrew the monarchy in 1952. Revolution ", including the late presidents Mohammed Naguib, Gamal Abdel Nbader and Anwar Sadat.

Sisi also decorated Youssef Siddiq, one of the free officers who fell out of favor with the Revolutionary Command Council because of the differences over the management of the country after 1952 until his death in 1975, with the Nile Medal, the greatest honor of the country.

"My father had neither medals nor decorations. This is the first medal to be placed in the history of Youssef Siddiq, "told Reuters Siddiq's daughter, Laila, who was awarded the medal

" What Happened today was an act of justice for Youssef Siqqiq and his story. It has been deliberately suppressed, "she added

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