MOGADISCIO, July 26 (Xinhua) – At least six Somali soldiers were killed on Wednesday night in a bomb attack near the southern Somali city of Wanlaweyn, police said in 19659002. The soldiers died Thursday at Baledogle Airport in the Lower Shabelle region of southern Somalia. "The soldiers died after their convoy was hit by the explosion of a mine en route to Baledogle airport." The Balidogle Airport is located about 110 km northwest of Mogadishu where US Marines provide specialized training to the Somali National Army.
The landmine explosion was targeting a military vehicle carrying Somali soldiers escorting a convoy Supplies at Balidogle Airport
Muna Mohamed, a resident, told Xinhua that the l '# 39; The explosion had shook neighboring areas, noting that the learned soldiers had been targeted
. shock waves can be felt from a distance. Government forces were targeted in the attack, "Mohamed.
There was no immediate claim for responsibility but fighters of the terrorist group Al-Shabab have carried out similar attacks in the past.
The latest attack came a few hours after another Blast roadside wound four senior military officials in the village of Elasha Biyaha, located on the outskirts of the capital Mogadishu
The attacks occurred despite Increased Joint SNA and Allied Military Operations in Mogadishu and Surrounding Areas Allied forces also conduct operations in the port city of Kismayo, which was one of the strongholds of 39, Al-Shabab, which was his main source of revenue before Kenyan forces hunted insurgents in 2012.
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