Tanzania allocates 4 mln USD for research and development projects: official – Xinhua


DAR ES SALAAM, July 4 (Xinhua) – Tanzanian Minister for Education, Science and Technology Joyce Ndalichako said on Wednesday the government has allocated $ 4 million to support research on development projects.

Speaking at the 6th Annual Dar es Salaam, Ndalichako, Chairman of the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)

Ndalichako said COSTECH was undertaking eight research projects on infrastructure development in Tanzania mainland.

The minister said COSTECH was also undertaking eight projects in the Zanzibar archipelago aimed at finding solutions to specific problems in the areas of sustainable tourism, agribusiness, aquaculture and non-communicable diseases.

Scientists and Researchers have the pivotal role of supporting development, said Ndalichako.

"We will 2036, "Ndalichako said.

Raphael Chibunda Vice-Chancellor of the Sokoine University of Agriculture Saharawi et al. in the United States of America in the United States of America.

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