Tanzania: Prime Minister Majaliwa to Political Parties – Preach Unity & # 39;


Zanzibar – Prime Minister Kbadim Majaliwa reminded leaders of different political parties to preach unity.

The prime minister said leaders should inspire people to adopt the positive customs and traditions inherited from the previous generation.

million. Majaliwa made the remarks when he spoke to residents of Makunduchi in the southern region of Unguja during the celebrations of the Mwaka Kongwa festival, which takes place every year.

The prime minister said that if the rulers played their part, wananchi would continue to live in peace. According to Majaliwa, despite the fact that Tanzania has more than 120 tribes, it was encouraging to see the Makunduchi maintain their customs and traditions.

He also called on parents in the area to make sure their culture was cherished and pbaded on to future generations.

"The good thing is that I discovered that these celebrations also promote tourism as I can see it today, the guests came here from Germany and other countries "said Majaliwa.

For his part, the representative of Makunduchi College, Mr. Haroun Ali Suleiman, asked the Prime Minister to use these celebrations to promote unity.

He said that he believed that the celebrations would open new opportunities for the islands and the continent.

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