Tanzanian "beast" highlights giant group of dinosaurs: The Standard


  • AFP
  • Posted on: 16 Feb 2019 11:04:03 GMT +0300
The dinosaur of the Cretaceous Mnyamawamtuka period in its environment is presented in this illustration published in Athens, Ohio, United States, on February 13, 2019. [Reuters]

A relatively complete skeleton of a long-necked, long-tailed plant eater, excavated in a rocky cliff over a Tanzanian river, provides insight into the early evolution of a group of dinosaurs that included more later the largest terrestrial animal on Earth.

Scientists announced on Wednesday the discovery of fossils of a dinosaur called Mnyamawamtuka moyowamkia, measuring about 8 meters long, weighing about one ton, between 110 and 100 million years ago, and part of the relatively small and early group, titanosaurs .
The Titanosaurs, who walked on four pillar-like legs, first appeared in the Cretaceous, perhaps 125 million years ago. By the time an asteroidal impact caused a mbadive extinction that sentenced dinosaurs 66 million years ago, titanosaurs had reached staggering dimensions. For example, the Patagotitan of Argentina measured about 37 meters and weighed 70 tons.
"Mnyamawamtuka is important because it is a relatively complete animal from the beginning of titanosaur diversification. So, it provides a critical look at the group before widespread diversification around the planet, "said Patrick O'Connor, anatomy professor at Ohio University.
Mnyamawamtuka means "the Mtuka beast" because it was found near the bed of the Mtuka River in southwestern Tanzania.
"The excavations were relatively complicated because the fossils were discovered, eroded from a vertical cliff surface about 20 feet (6 meters) above the bed of a drained river," said O 'Connor.
"At first we only worked to stabilize the fall of rocks and fossils. We then used climbing ropes and experienced shovel teams. It's a fantastic setting, with monkeys, a variety of hornbills and other birds, all types of sun-exposed insects, and a very cool dinosaur skeleton, "added O'Connor.
Of the approximately 60 species of titanosaurs identified, some are known only from scrap remains. Scientists hold 45% of the Mnyamawamtuka skeleton, which is pretty good, but many vertebrae, bones, ribs and lower limb teeth, but not his skull.
A characteristic feature is the slight heart shape of the vertebra of Mnyamawamtuka's tail, which "may have played a role in strengthening the tail from side to side," O'Connor said.
"It was not yet fully developed, as evidenced by the unfused parts of the skeleton. So we are not sure of the maximum adult size at this stage, "O'Connor said.
Mnyamawamtuka lived in a warm, semi-arid environment in southern Central Africa.
The research, supported by the US National Science Foundation, was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

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Dinosaur dinosaur tanzaniaMnyamawamtuka moyowamkia

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