The Egyptian Sisi promises to support the peace offer of S.Sudan


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday supported a regional bid to resolve the conflict in South Sudan while he congratulated Khartoum for hosting peace talks between the country's warring groups.

Sisi, arrived in Khartoum for two The peace talks in the Sudanese capital aimed to bring peace and stability to neighboring South Sudan, where tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced since the brutal civil war of December 2013.

"In South Sudan, I want to say that we will work with our brothers in the region to achieve peace so that Southern Sudanese enjoy stability and prosperity" said Mr. Sissi. Bashir

"These efforts … have a clear vision for the security, stability and development of the countries of the region," Sisi added, during his first visit to Khartoum since his re-election to The War in South Sudan began in late 2013 after South Sudanese President Salva Kiir accused his former MP, rebel leader Riek Machar, of planning a coup d'etat.

Khartoum, as a party Hours before Sisi's remarks, Khartoum announced a delay to a "preliminary" power-sharing agreement between Kiir and Machar – due to regional efforts to end the conflict in Sudan from South. The parties agreed on a permanent ceasefire and withdrawal of their forces from urban areas, said Sudanese Foreign Minister Al-Dierdiry Ahmed. "A new date for the preliminary signing of the agreement will be announced later," Ahmed said, noting that the Government of Southern Sudan wanted "comments" to be included in the text.

Rebel leader Machar's group said that he was also looking for changes.

"We will not sign unless they are included in the document," Agouk Makour told Machar's representatives. the final power-sharing pact would still be signed on July 26 in the presence of Bashir

A similar agreement was signed in 2015 but broke a year later in a deadly battle that saw Machar fleeing into exile. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, photographed in April 2017, supported ongoing peace efforts in South Sudan

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