The Egyptian Zoo tries to deceive people by painting donkeys to look like zebras


An Egyptian zoo tried to pbad donkeys like zebras by painting them stripes. The subterfuge worked, until a local student spotted the two "zebras" at the Cairo International Municipal Garden Park last week and took on Facebook to post pictures of what they are. zebras according to the zoo.

through the faces of donkeys. However, makeup was not the only gift of this fraud. The photo showed that the animal had pointed ears, much like those of a donkey rather than those of a small zebra. The animals also lacked the black muzzle of a zebra.

As reported by the New York Post, several veterinarians have confirmed that animals are donkeys. They pointed out that the paint job is pretty shabby because the real zebra strips are straighter and more consistent.

But zoo director Mohamed Sultan insisted local media that they are actually zebras. However, as bizarre as it may seem, it is not the only case where a zoo has used another animal to convince people that they are something else. In 2009, a Gaza Zoo would have done the same thing. As reported Peta, the owner of the zoo justified him saying that they could not acquire real zebras because of an Israeli blockade.

At the same time, he added that the children did not know the difference and would call it zebra without thinking. To keep them happy, the zookeeper believed that it was fine to go with the fraud. One of the most surprising changes between animals was when a Chinese zoo tried to pbad a dog like a lion.

In 2013, it was reported that the actual lion had been temporarily removed from the enclosure. The lion, like any other zoo, was one of the main attractions and the zoo did not want the public to be disappointed.

To avoid this, they decided to take matters into their own hands by replacing the lion with a Tibetan "hairy" mastiff. It has been reported that the lion was taken away for breeding so that more wildlife could be bred in captivity and could be used for entertainment in the zoo.

Peta also issued a statement urging people not to visit the zoo on the side of the road because they do not do anything good to the animals that are kept there. The organization says wild animals must be cared for and fed, which is impossible for them to get out of the roadside zoos.

"If road zoos wanted to give priority to animal welfare, they would not paint and breed animals, we encourage all those who care about wildlife to support organizations that protect animals in their natural habitats in order to make a profit, "they noted.

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