"The highest level of special": Trump praises US relations with the United Kingdom | American News


Donald Trump's press conference with Theresa May at Checkers lasted 50 minutes, and covered everything from transatlantic relations to immigration, Boris Johnson, attacks on the media and at least one direct lie from American president

. US relations: "the highest level of special"

May: "No country does more together than ours to keep its people safe and prosperous."

Trump: "The relationship between our two nations is indispensable to freedom, justice, and peace." The traditions of freedom, sovereignty, and true law were our common gift to the world and we must never stop being united in their defense and renewal. "

" I would give our relationship with the UK special. Am I allowed to go higher than that? not sure.This is the highest level of special.These are very special people, it's a very special country and as i said, i have a relationship because my mother was born in Scotland. "

On the history of the sun and Brexit:" # 39; & # 39; false news & # 39; & # 39;

"I have not criticized the Prime Minister, I have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister, but unfortunately there has been a story that has been generally good but that is not good. did not highlight what i said about the prime minister.I have said great things.Luckily, we tend to record stories now so we have it for your pleasure if you wish, but we record when we deal with reporters, that's fake news call, we solve a lot of problems with the good old … [19659005] "I said very good things about Theresa May. I do not think they put it in, but it's okay. I told Theresa May that I wanted to apologize, but she said "Do not worry, it's just the press". "

" As for advice, I made her a suggestion – I would not say advice – and I think she found it may be too brutal. Because I could see that. I do not know if you remember what I said. I gave him a suggestion, no advice. I would not want to give him advice. I could understand perfectly why she thought it was a bit difficult. "

" You can not leave because if she moves away, it means she's stuck. You can not leave, but you can do other things. She can do what my suggestion was. "

May: " Many people give advice on how to negotiate with the European Union. My job is to go out and do it. "

" I also want to have a good business relationship with the European Union. This is not a / or. We do not just replace one by the other. "

On Boris Johnson:" he will be a great prime minister "

Trump: " They asked about Boris Johnson, how would he be as prime minister. I said that he would be an excellent prime minister. He was very kind to me, he said very good things about me as president. I think that he thinks I'm doing a good job, that I'm doing a great job, that I can tell you, just in case you have not noticed it. "

" But Boris Johnson would, I think, be an excellent prime minister. But I also said that this amazing woman here is doing a fantastic job, a great job. And I mean that. "

Vladimir Putin and Russia:" I would have a good relationship with him "

May: " In particular, on Russia, I thanked President Trump for his support by responding to the appalling use of a nerve agent in Salisbury, after which he expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers. "

" What is important in the meeting with President Putin – and I welcome the meeting with President Putin – is that the President goes there, as he does, from a position by force, and also from a position of unity in NATO. "

Trump: " I think I would have a very good relationship with President Putin if we spent time together. I may be wrong. Other people said it did not work. But I am different from others. I think we are very badly hurt by the witch hunt, I would say that it is the faked witch hunt. "

On Immigration:" It was very bad for Europe "

Trump: " I think it was very bad for Europe. Europe is a place I know very well and I think what happened is very difficult. It's a very difficult situation. I mean, you see the same terrorist attacks as me. We see them a lot. I just think it changes the culture. It's a very negative thing for Europe. I think it's very negative … And I know it's politically, not necessarily correct, to say it, but I'll say it and I'll say it loud. "

May: " The United Kingdom has a proud history of welcoming people fleeing persecution in our country. We are proud to have welcomed people to our country to contribute to our economy and contribute to our society. Over the years, overall immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people from different backgrounds, different perspectives here in the UK and we have seen them contribute to our society and our economy. "

On the US Press:" CNN is False News "

Trump (when CNN asks a question): " No, no, John Roberts goes to the # 39; before. The fake news from CNN, I do not take CNN's questions. CNN is fake news. I do not take questions from CNN. John Roberts of Fox. Let's go to a real network. "

Trump's false badertion, he predicts Brexit:" I was opening Turnberry "

Trump (who was in Scotland the day after the EU referendum, not the day before): " If you remember that I opened Turnberry the day before Brexit, we had an incredible number of journalists there. I guess everyone was there because of Brexit, and they all showed up at the 9th hole overlooking the ocean, and they said, "What is going on? All they wanted to talk about was Brexit and they asked for my opinion, and I think you'll agree that I said I thought the Brexit would happen and it would happen. And then we cut the ribbon. And the reason I thought it was going to happen was because of immigration. "

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