The notion of marginalized Kenyan women is slowly changing with the number of women in managerial positions. Today, more women are elected and even those who lose are generally fighting well. With the reintroduction of a two-thirds bill in Parliament, it is time for our country to have a lasting solution to this paradox of gender parity.
Given that the number of seats of both houses is clearly defined in the Constitution, I believe that it would be prudent to legislate on the 2011 law on political parties and the 2011 law on elections. The 2010 constitution brought the two-thirds rule to life. In fact, the drafters of the constitution felt that no bad should be expressed excessively in parliament. It was understood that many women suffered historical injustices that prevented them from competing effectively for leadership positions.
It is up to the government to ensure that the two-thirds rule is respected in all branches of government. In Parliament, for example, Article 27 (6) of the Constitution requires the State to take legislative and other measures, including affirmative action programs, to address the historical and other disadvantages experienced by individuals and groups. . This led to the introduction of the two-thirds bill of the Gender Equality Act, which is to be adopted at second reading.
However, the constitution did not provide clear guidance on how to implement it. I remember that after the legal dilemma, the Attorney General's office sought advice from the Supreme Court. According to the court, the principle of gender equality is not yet fully recognized. As such, it can not be subjected to direct application. This poses a challenge for legislating in this area.
In view of the above, the adoption of the two-thirds rule is behind schedule and it is time for us to have a lasting solution. In the same breath, I urge women to run for office and those who challenge men but fail to do so should get the nomination positions that would give them the means to participate in the next election. Women should not just wait to be named out of nowhere. They should compete and challenge men.
Basically, the question of the two-thirds rule could be solved in the primary of political parties. In appointments, a political party is better placed to ensure that the two-thirds rule is respected. This will ultimately make it easier to meet the constitutional threshold of the two-thirds rule. Political parties should also present to IEBC a list of candidates who adhere to the two-thirds rule of gender equality for each county in general elections.
Nyamunga is a Senator named ODM, she spoke to the Star
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