The Trump administration will reward financially the countries oppressing LGBTQ people / LGBTQ Nation


The Ministry of Religious Liberty last week was a religious right jamboree disguised as an event sponsored by the State Department

It is therefore not surprising that the meeting, which has attracted representatives from more than 40 countries, Trump officials to let the world know that not only do they encourage other countries to oppress their LGBTQ citizens, but that they will be rewarded for doing so.

In his address to the meeting, Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, complained of the Obama administration's dedication to LGBTQ rights abroad.

"Our US taxpayer dollars are used to discourage Christian values ​​in other democratic countries. I was stunned to see that my government, under a previous administration, was addressing people in sub-Saharan Africa and telling them, "We know you have an anti-abortion law." but if you apply this law, you will not get any of our money, "Mulvaney told the audience.

"" We know that you have a law against gay marriage, but if you apply this law, we will not give you money.

In fact, Mulvaney went a step further by claiming that protecting LGBTQ people were de facto Christian oppressors (or at least as he defines them).

"It's a different type of religious persecution, "said Mulvaney." It's a different type of religious persecution than I ever expected to see. I never expected to see this as an American Christian.

Mulvaney's comments highlight how the religious right, of which Mulvaney is a deep-rooted supporter, insists that LGBTQ rights are a violation of religious freedom. Essentially, human rights are a zero sum game, and Mulvaney wants to make sure the LGBTQ community is on the receiving end of zero

As Mulvaney has pointed out, the African nations do not have to worry about LGBTQ rights issues under the Trump Administration. President Obama had personally lobbied African nations to protect their LGBTQ citizens, using money as a stick. Financial penalties have now disappeared, and countries can do what they want.

Countries with a history of LGBTQ oppression quickly responded to the policy change. Kenyan media said the Trump administration "was attacking President Kenyatta's views on gay rights." Kenyatta said that LGBTQ rights "do not matter in Kenya".

The country is known to apply the death penalty to homobaduals. was encouraged in his crackdown by American religious figures.

The green light from the administration to attacks against LGBTQ rights is entirely consistent with its past actions. After all, President Trump's affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin has been a green light to continue the violence against LGBTQ people in this country and neighboring Chechnya.

The difference between Russian and African countries is that financial aid is much more effective for the latter. Now that it is gone, you can expect violence against LGBTQ people to increase.

They may try to flee the country as a result of the policy change, but due to another policy change, they probably have no luck. The Trump administration no longer wants to grant political asylum to LGBTQ people in the United States, even if their lives are in danger.

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