The warnings of terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka have been ignored


  • Mirror April 23, 2019 11:26:36 GMT +0300
Police clears the area around the bomb blast.

Sri Lankan agents were aware of a possible terrorist plot for weeks before the atrocities of Easter Sunday, but the warnings were not taken into account.

The prime minister said that there would be an investigation into why the security services did not act properly as a result of the news.
He added that his firm and his firm had not been notified of the warning.
Police and security chiefs are now the subject of growing criticism.

SEE ALSO:Sri Lanka: 52 dead and explosions in hotels and churches

The terrorist activity warning appeared around April 4th.
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe admitted that the security services had been "aware" of possible attacks.
He said, "We need to examine why the proper precautions have not been taken.

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"Neither ministers nor I have been kept informed."
The atrocity was allegedly carried out by an extremist Islamist group in Sri Lanka called National Thowheed Jamath, with support from abroad.

SEE ALSO:In Sri Lanka, more than 156 bombs were killed on Easter day

A foreign intelligence service had learned that NTJ was planning suicide attacks against churches in Colombo.
On April 11, a week after the first warnings, Sri Lankan police distributed a document titled "Information on a so-called action plan" to security officials.
The chaos within the government meant that the warnings have never been forwarded to the Cabinet.
A dispute between the president and the prime minister meant that the prime minister was kept out of the security meetings.
The authorities blame the attacks on an international network of extremists with possible links to an Islamic state.

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At least seven of the attackers used anti-suicide vests, targeting Christian worshipers.
A spokesman for the Cabinet said: "All the suicide bombers were local …
"There was an international network without which these attacks would not have been successful."
President Maithripala Sirisena will seek help from abroad to find those who have helped the plot to lead the plot from abroad.
His office said, "Intelligence reports indicate that foreign terrorist organizations are behind local terrorists. The president must seek the help of foreign countries. "

SEE ALSO:27 bomb arrests in Sri Lanka

Police said 24 people were arrested after the explosions in churches and hotels.
Yesterday, after the discovery of a suspicious package in a van, panic was increasingly panicked in Colombo, the capital.
Armed police officers were deployed and officers blew up the package – about 50 meters from St Anthony's Church, in the center of one of Sunday's attacks – in a controlled explosion.
Rumors of confusion and chaos were reported when frightened crowds fled. He was reportedly filmed while footage showed one of the terrorists going to the San Sebastian Church in Negombo before the blast.
The pictures show a man carrying a large backpack entering the building.

The bomber entering the church of San Sebastián.

Other pictures show what some people say are bloodstains on a statue of Jesus in the church.
Police sources confirmed that terrorists who targeted the Shangri-La hotel in Colombo had pamphlets and props badociated with Islamic extremist ideology.
The killers had gone to room 616, where investigators also found two iPhone chargers.
The explosion was caused by at least 55 lb. of plastic explosives C-4, although the findings are awaiting a formal confirmation.
Interpol is deploying a team of investigators, including experts in disaster victim identification, to Sri Lanka to badist local authorities.
Employees in the city morgue say they have trouble identifying some of the victims.
A curfew has been imposed until today, the day of national mourning, while the threat of new attacks remains.
Police found 87 bomb detonators at the main bus station in the capital.
The queen directed the messages of the royal family to express their horror at the atrocity.
In her statement, she said, "Prince Philip and I were deeply saddened to learn of the attacks perpetrated in Sri Lanka and to send our condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. life.
"I pay tribute to the medical and emergency services providing support to those … injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with all Sri Lankans at this difficult time. About 200,000 Britons visit the country each year.
The US State Department said that terrorist groups continue to trace potential attacks by imitation.
He told US citizens that possible targets included tourist sites, transportation centers, shopping centers, hotels, places of worship and airports.
The National Thowheed Jamath was trained in Kattankudy, in eastern Sri Lanka, in 2014. It had no history of mbadive attacks by fatality. Sources say the group publicly supported the information system.
According to journalist Anila Baig, only monsters would attack the faithful
Targeting the faithful on the most sacred day of the Christian calendar goes beyond the odious frame and my heart breaks for those who have lost their loved ones.
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan described the attacks as "horrific", saying his country stood side by side with Sri Lanka at an hour of sorrow.
Islam, Christianity and Judaism share many similarities and people from all three religions have lived side by side for centuries in communities all over the world.
Sri Lanka is a completely multicultural country with a large number of Buddhists, Hindus and Christians. An official of the Sri Lankan government says that the radical national Muslim group National Thowheed Jamath carried out the bombings.
And whoever was behind those attacks that tore hotels and churches, killing hundreds of people and injuring many, the timing could not be more infuriating.
Just like the atrocities committed in Christchurch, New Zealand, in a mosque during Friday prayers, the holiest day of the week for Muslims, these multiple attacks on churches and hotels took place on Easter Sunday. .
What kind of monsters love to attack worshipers?
Coincidentally, the eve of Easter Sunday was also an important date for Muslims, as for Shab e Barat, the holiest night of the year when we believe that past sins will be forgiven and that future blessings will be decided.
Many practicing Muslims stayed up all night to pray and fast yesterday in preparation for the month of Ramadan. It should be a good time for reflection, prayer and peace.
As far as I'm concerned, no Muslim could commit such unprecedented acts of violence.
Whoever was behind this is not part of us and we condemn these attacks as all people who think well.
The religion of those who have fallen is irrelevant – in a mosque or a church – it is simply important that we remain united against all acts of terror.

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